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Snax 06-09-2007 06:33 PM

You laugh, but I'm seriously thinking about those cards with all of the looky-loo wanderers that have recently come out to enjoy the nice weather on the bike paths. Few of them have nice enough butts to stare at, so I think I'd appreciate it more if they just got out of the way. :P

kickflipjr 06-09-2007 07:17 PM

I just bought a mountain bike for $5 at a yard sale. It is in fairly good condition and isn't wal-mart rubbish. Picture tomorrow. If I feel like it.

MetroMPG 06-09-2007 08:00 PM

Feel like it. :) Want to see.

I tightened down the crank arm & worked the stiff links out of the chain on my beater today. That pretty much wraps it up - it's in 100% good working order, which is more than I could ever say about the 10 speed.

It's also a lot heavier (probably weighs 35+ lbs) than the old 10 speed, but I rationalize that by saying it's better exercise. And its 15 gears make it easier to use anyway, despite the additional weight. Plus the 10 speed was only ever a 5 spd, because the front derailleur never worked.

DRW 06-09-2007 09:10 PM

MetroMPG wrote:"...some minor problems (left crank arm keeps loosening..."

Let me know if the crank loosens up again, I know a few tricks that might help. It's common for a loose crank to keep loosening FYI.

MetroMPG 06-10-2007 03:22 AM

If it loosened again, I was going to try loctite. Is that different from what you were thinking?

I'll report back if it does.

kickflipjr 06-10-2007 09:31 AM

The classic side of the garage shot. The bike is a bit small for me, but I think I will have some fun with it on the dirt.


Bill in Houston 06-10-2007 12:23 PM

Do you think that maybe "Great Falls" is an inauspicious name for a MTB? :-)

MetroMPG 06-10-2007 04:05 PM

Great Falls at Full Force is even more questionable!


Kick: you inspired me to install my bike computer on the beater (12 km today after I got it working). Now we should hound Web Meister Matt to set up a feature so we can put them in the garage and log distances done via HPV rather than ICE.

MetroMPG 06-10-2007 04:06 PM

PS - I'm betting your seat post is past the "max height line".

kickflipjr 06-10-2007 07:55 PM

1) I have now clue what the brand "great falls" is, but it is 1990s low-end bike shop material. Cro-mo steel. Shimanio alivio components. 29lbs.

2) seat post is right at the max line :)

I forgot to mention the front wheel is slightly out of true and I needed to adjust the brakes.

This is just a goof off bike anyways.

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