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-   -   101 MPG segment for ZX2 at 32 degrees. (https://www.fuelly.com/forums/f8/101-mpg-segment-for-zx2-at-32-degrees-3341.html)

BEN_EJ8 11-19-2006 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by CO ZX2

If this didn't refer to me, who did it refer to?? CO ZX2

"Thats true. The blustery winds on Thursday gave me 46.9 mpg on the way to school, but less than 40 on the way back."

I was very obviously referring to what I said that you decided to leave out of your post.

Do you want a 100% honest opinion? Normally liars act this defensive, especially when they lash out at people who dont mean to discredit them, but they think they are because of delusions/insecurity/guilt/paranoia.

But since you have several 100mpg+ trip shots of your SG screen, its pretty easy to understand that wind wasnt the reason for your mpg. Im not going to get into an internet pissing match because somebody took something I said the wrong way.

philmcneal 11-19-2006 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by CO ZX2
Watch your language, Kid. Good looking boy you got there. Here in Colorado dudes are east coast cowboys with flowers embroidered on their shiny new boots. They don't get within 50 feet of a cow pie. They would probably cry if they stepped in one. Read my cowboy story in my reply to MetroMPG #39.

That is 98% over EPA. Overkill? What would you have me do? Trade for a SUV?

Sorry! Just being able to achive that kind of number in a domestic is simply amazing, it just gives me faith in the actions of the drivers and not the car themselfs.

So the cardboard for the rear wheel skirts help quite a bit eh? I might just go for it.

smartzuuk 11-19-2006 03:37 PM

Let's you and me both add these to our cars...
I have acquired another set of skinny wheels, and will use the fronts on the rear. I'm going to break 100 mpg US, pen and paper calcs, on a round trip.

The Toecutter 11-19-2006 06:30 PM


what would you like to see me try next. With my car that the experts would not give a chance.
If already you have some of these listed below, keep them, but you could use:

-rear boattail
-front and rear wheel spoilers
-lowered ride height
-belly pan
-cameras and screens to replace mirrors
-smooth wheel covers or smooth hubcaps
-side skirts
-flexible front wheel skirts(if sufficiently practical)
-LRR tires
-nose cone

As to your claims, I will admit that I am skeptical of them, but I have no sound basis to assume outright that you may be lying. So I respectfully accept what claims you've made unless evidence was presented to debunk them. The scan gauge results being photographed are reason enough for me to accept them, however. Seems to be a reasonable amount of evidence that you have really achieved what you claim.

100+ mpg runs in this car are an amazing accomplishment. You need to get a video of your driving to show us your technique. Looks like there's a lot we can learn from you. :)

On a side note, happen to have a map of your engine's operating points handy, such as BMEP and RPM versus thermal efficiency? I don't expect that anyone would, but it would be interesting to run some numbers and calculate some theoretical results versus actual.

MetroMPG 11-19-2006 07:11 PM

If you happen to record the round-trip MPG when you do your next run(s), I'd be interested in seeing that too.

CO ZX2 11-19-2006 08:55 PM

Metro, I have a new run today. I ran to the same place as one of my previous runs. I have now repeated 2 earlier runs. At the end of run today I took my pics and made some business calls. So I have one-way run today.
It is posted now with the others.

RightontheMarc 03-12-2008 03:09 AM

Its your car that brought me to this website in the first place! I have a 99 Zx2 with a scan gauge also. Your MPGs boggle my mind as the most I ever logged was 42.8 and the most I remember getting on a trip was 44. I have been logging my MPGs and TRYING to hypermile since 3/29/2005. I have been logging my fillups here https://www.fueleconomy.gov/mpg/MPG.d...863&details=on
Mine is the Zx2 with 35.7mpg. That was my average before the accident I got into in October.

I bought my scangauge last June and my average started climbing to 38 for the summer but I haven't gotten as good results as you have and my MPGs took a serious hit this winter to 26. Several changes occured though including the accident I got into. I notice coasting does improve your mpgs.

How much have you calibrated the Scangauge to? I had to adjust mine down about -10.8%. I check my mileage through fill ups/using the trip odo. and only use the scangauge for real time reference. The scangauge was way overestimating my gas mileage when I first plugged it in. I have to fine tune it almost every fillup .1 gallon up or down .1 gallon. Do you have it set to hybrid mode since you turn off the engine?

Additionally, it looks like I have to do a few repairs on my car to get it back up to 38mpg. New battery, new number 2 after cat O2 sensor, new rear brakes and new 195degree thermostat.

How much were the new injectors you got? What is different between those and the OEMs? Did you get them because your old ones were gone?
Also where did you get the flat wheel covers? I think those will be my next mod.
Finally how did you do the ignition cut off switch? If I am trying to really hypermile I just turn off the engine with the key and then switch it back into ACC mode. Is it better to clutch start the engine or use the starter? I am a bit squeemish about turning off the engine and clutch starting as I dont want to wear my clutch too bad however, doesn't using the starter to start the car dump a lot of fuel in? What do you do after you cut the ignition?

Sorry for all the questions I am just eager to learn.

holypaulie 03-12-2008 05:45 AM

Private message for CO ZX2
CO ZX2 you have PM

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