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GasSavers_Scott 10-12-2009 08:26 AM

I did not know that. I agree with the unplugged stuff, I was amaised some times during the unplugged series, some bands really demonstrated their ability as musicians by playing unplugged.

I just heard the new Alice in Chains and after 10 years they still have the edge, moxie. Green Day just hit the 10 year mark and were ready to hang it up, then started playing and made a new album and the one song I heard off it was good.

Zeppelin-Page-Plant-The Firm-The Honey Drippers, what ever they call it, its great to just see the boys out there playing, we all want Zeppelin back, but know that can never happen again. Page said it best " We were 4 diverse guys that came together to make one great band, take out one eliment and its not Led Zeppelin. Not meaning to cast a shadow, just a Lead Head.

Course now I got the original Alice in Chains song stuck in my head.

theholycow 10-12-2009 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Scott (Post 142906)
I just heard the new Alice in Chains and after 10 years they still have the edge, moxie.

...and that's with a new front man. Bravo! I think they pulled off the AC/DC trick.

markweatherill 10-12-2009 11:36 PM

OK... I heard Europe's 'The Final Countdown' on the radio the other day for the first time in ages, and these days it don't sound so bad!

theholycow 10-13-2009 02:37 AM

That one will definitely stick in my head today.

It's been on two commercials lately, too. One was for Windows 7, I think, and I forgot what the other was.

OldCorolla 10-13-2009 08:21 PM

ahhh regular commercials I miss those. For the past 11 months I have seen nothing but safety and anti suicide "commercials" , so I actually will enjoy watching some marketing in between parts of a show. Once you have been "out of the loop" for a while you realize all the things that used to annoy you ,you actually miss them when they arent there.

theholycow 10-14-2009 02:36 AM

Why do you only see those type of commercials?

Mayhim 10-14-2009 05:07 AM

Bloodrock - D.O.A

bowtieguy 10-14-2009 03:10 PM

heard one today. gotta give credence to Credence(CCR)...

"down on the corner, out in the street..."

GasSavers_JoeBob 10-15-2009 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by bowtieguy (Post 142999)
heard one today. gotta give credence to Credence(CCR)...

"down on the corner, out in the street..."

We straying out of the '80s songs now? That is a slippery slope leading to danger!

Songs of various decades I've had stuck in my head in the last week or two:

1930s: Either Sing, Sing, Sing (with a swing), Benny Goodman or Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime

1940s: Wing and a Prayer (The Song Spinners, considered one of the first Doo-Wop Songs)

1950s: Sixty Minute Man

1960s: Nowadays Clancy Can't Even Sing (Buffalo Springfield)

1970s: Growing Up (Bruce Springsteen)

1980s: One Night in Bangkok

1990s: Barely Breathing

2000s: Please Don't Leave Me (Pink)

Jay2TheRescue 11-14-2009 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by Jay2TheRescue (Post 142628)
Speaking of MTV, I offer to you, for your viewing pleasure, the first video aired by MTV when they first went on the air...

I actually found the first broadcast when MTV first went on the air...


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