??? Here's a link to the House Health Care Bill we're talking about. Where on page 16 is there any mention of death panels? You have your conspiracy theories mixed up. Page 16 (actually page 17) contains the supposed provision that forces Americans out of their present health care plans. That's another thoroughly debunked conservative lie.
Associated Press Fact Check on death panel claims.
You guys are entertaining to read lol
All we need is to stop at 2 kids! I love kids but there is no way I could bring myself to have more than 2. I just want to replace myself and her if she hasn't done it already. :rolleyes: +1 on the breeders being the leechers. |
I hope everyone considers doing this- whether this health care plan gets passed or not. It will make things a lot easier on your family if they know in advance what resuscitation measures you want taken in the event you have a terminal disease, your nursing home choices, getting hospice options from your doctor etc. After witnessing two relatives pass on by way of Alzheimer's and dementia, I can say that it was much easier on the family knowing what care was wanted or not wanted. |
My mother discussed very carefully with me her desires (I was her medical power of attorney). As it happened, I didn't have many medical decisions to make, although if assisted suicide was legally available I would've. I'm also the power of medical attorney for an older friend and we've also worked everything out. It makes things a lot easier.
People claiming that the bill contains whatever (death panel, or in another discussion whatever else is your fear): You can recruit lots of people to your side of the issue by posting the text in question and a link to a trustworthy source of it for everyone to verify that it is there.
I'm too lazy to go searching for it, but if it's presented to me and proof is provided I would be glad that I'm more aware. |
I had hoped we're all intelligent enough to get past the misinformation smokescreen that Big Pharma's lobbyists and the fearmongers like Sarah Palin and Charles Grassley are spreading, but here we've got a moderator seeding the lie, and two people telling me to read portions of the health care bill that they themselves have obviously not read.
"The American Medical Association, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization and Consumers Union are among the groups supporting the end of life counseling provision. AARP, the seniors' lobby, is taking out print advertisements this week that label as false the claim that the legislation will empower the government to take over life-and-death decisions from individuals." From AP Fact Check: No 'Death Panel' in Health Care Bill |
You aren't gonna make very many friends here talking like that.
But he'll make a few.
When the govt tells me my life expectancy negates the value of any medical treatment, I will decide if their life expectancy negates the value of the amount of mine that is left.
regards gary |
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