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jwxr7 10-10-2007 10:18 AM

I found a couple in detroit in my price range, but they haven't e-mailed me back. There are actually 2 or 3 in the jackson area, but the junkyards want $350-$400 for them :eek: . I thought about an xfi trans because there is one in lansing cheap, but the ratio difference is only 7.56% higher than my 4.10s. That didn't seem like enough for the trouble involved. The 3.52s should change me a bit over 14%, not quite as radical as your 4.39 to 3.52 swap but as good as I can get.

MetroMPG 10-10-2007 01:50 PM

Go big or go home! (I guess I don't need to say that to the guy with the coroplast Kammback on his car :D)

skewbe 10-10-2007 04:09 PM

If the xfi trans were significantly cheap (i.e. Under $100), and closer, I would definately consider it, the trans looks like a cakewalk in these cars, like you could almost hold the engine up with one hand and pull the trans out with the other :)

cfg83 10-23-2007 06:01 PM

58.5 Mpg
Hello -

This matches my personal best :

MPG : 58.5 (best is 58.6, so difference is negligible)
Route : 10 West -> 710 South -> 105 West -> 405 South -> Exit Freeway
Miles : 27.3
MPH Avg: 47
MPH Max : 63
RPM Max : 2177
Gallons : 0.5
IAT Reading : Hot Air Intake led to Input Air Temp readings of around 125+ degrees F.

Net Elevation Change : ~210 feet drop

Weather(.com) : 90.5 degrees F, Partly Cloudy, 11.5% Humidity, 29.5 degrees F Dew Point
Time : ~12:00 PM to ~12:30 PM, ~30 minutes

Recent Car Changes : The EFIE is online but it is most likely not being accounted for in the ScanGauge algorithm. I turn it off when I need to go above 25 TPS.

Hypothesis : I think this just goes to show that the car (and Scangauge) loves those those hot dry days. The weather conditions for the runs are near-identical. If I could have found a good slow-poke to follow, this could have been my best run.


Originally Posted by cfg83 (Post 43595)
Hello -

NEW personal best today on the way to work. Here's the info :

MPG : 58.6 (old best was 56.4, so a 3.90% increase)
Route : 10 West -> 710 South -> 105 West -> 405 South -> Exit Freeway
Miles : 27.8
MPH Avg: 48
MPH Max : 60
RPM Max : 2585
Gallons : 0.5
IAT Reading : Hot Air Intake led to Input Air Temp readings of 140 to 150 degrees F.

Net Elevation Change : ~210 feet drop

Weather : 86.5 degrees F, Sunny, 10.5% Humidity, 24.5 degrees F Dew Point
Time : ~11:00 AM to ~11:30 AM, ~30 minutes



garyhgaryh 10-23-2007 09:18 PM

Just filled up. 52.98 mpg in a 93 CA Honda Civic VX. Last fill up I got 56.12mpg.
I realize that highway 101 in the SF bay area is really smooth and helps with FE. It's mostly flat and I spend 2hrs a day driving it while drafting trucks.

GasSavers_Minger 10-23-2007 09:28 PM

Just driving to school and back today, along to a friend's house and for food...rainy and cold here though, so MPG was low - my usual trip to school and back I can pull 38ish, I was getting...33 or so.

This cold weather stuff sucks, although driving in the snow is kind of fun when that comes around :)

Fourthbean 10-24-2007 10:09 PM

I ran a crude test this short tank to see what driving 65/70MPH would do to my gas mileage. It seems the effect is not very large. My driving style since I got my car has been to shift at about 1500RPM but give a healthy amount of pedal input so that I am still accelerating decently (still faster than my previous tank of a car which was even more underpowered than this one).

My last three tanks were 50.5/49/51.5. This tank, still shifting at 1500RPM but running it at 65-70MPH on the highway returned a respectable 46MPG. Most of my driving is highway. I am going to run a few tanks back and forth to see if I can get anything more concrete.

So for the first round:


I can't wait to get my MPG gauge set up to see this stuff "real-time". If this is the case then either two things are true, One is that most of my MPG savings are before and after I get on the highway accelerating from stoplights and coasting at slower speeds, or Two, this car is very efficient even at 70MPH. I have a hard time believing the second as anyone driving steady 70 would be seeing 45MPG and freak out. I know I would freak if I got 45MPG out of a car rated for 37 without knowing what I know right now.

MetroMPG 10-30-2007 02:49 PM

I been berry berry bad
Drove to Ottawa last night. It's been so long since I drove anywhere with the Flea, I actually forgot about the gear shift mounted kill switch for a moment.

Also, I didn't have a spare water pump belt, and I didn't want to have to pull of the highway and put the stock alternator belt back on in the dark if it flew off (been there, done that before).

Then I drove really fast... for an eco driver :D

Some portions, I was only getting about 46-50 mpg (US) around 60 mph. Cool & windy though. Averaged high 50's for the leg there.

I sort of redeemed myself on the way back today however - went alternatorless, slowed down, and managed around 65 for the return trip just with DWL.

I have no idea where this tank is sitting since I used the SG in other vehicles since my last fill, but it's time to fill up soon. I'm guessing mid-low 60's.

skewbe 10-30-2007 02:53 PM

LOL, you've been driving three and a half months on one 10 gallon tank!!! This is your best tank ever in many ways!

Fourthbean 11-02-2007 09:33 PM

I kept my driving style as consistent as I could but changed to 60MPH on the highway. Ended up with 49.9MPG. The weather has changed drastically the last few weeks though so I will have to go back to 55MPH and see if my Mileage goes up farther than 50.5 at that speed with these temperatures.

However that wouldn't go along with what the concensus is about fe going down with the cold weather. I have been driving in 60 degree weather in comparison to 85/90 degrees. I need to get a grill block in to get my engine warmed up. It will get mostly warmed up after a couple miles but then wait another couple miles to move that extra 20 degrees or so to be completely warm (guessing on the temp as I have a somewhat dumb gauge).

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