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usedgeo 08-09-2007 06:20 PM

Well my normal exit ramp on the freeway is almost done. I decided to try a couple commutes back on the freeway for a few miles of the commute at least. I was very pleasantly surprised in that I made the same mileage as if I had taken the slower roads.

To work 61.9 mpg, ave mph 40 max around 65
back home 81.7 mpg, ave mph 37 max around 67

This beats 70 mpg for the day. I guess that is my target for now.
Tank is at 69.8 mpg with ave speed of 37 mph.
This is a lot less work and a bit quicker for nearly the same mileage. I had not commuted on the freeway for several months. I have done a few things to the car since then.

My gaslog is certainly leveling off after a long steady rise. There is no economic justification for more effort at this point. OOPS that sounds complacent :rolleyes:

jcp123 08-11-2007 06:12 PM

Filled up today. 24.76mpg, and I beat on it hard. Not good by y'all's standards, but I think that's pretty decent for anything taken to 7200rpm several times on the tank :o

landspeed 08-12-2007 05:03 AM

Filled up on Friday - 567.5 miles, 10.346, 54.85MPG (US) - my best ever tank! I remember when my target was 40, then 45, then 50MPG!

This is probably the last fill for my car in the UK as I'm off to New Zealand in a few days - will have to see what I can get over there.

landspeed 08-12-2007 05:06 AM

vt240 - is your 200sx the KA24DE one (2.4 litre?). Is it an S13 'hatch' or saloon?.

I've got a 1.8 200SX but it has been off the road for a while - they are brilliant cars though, very good aerodynamics, but still very heavy on the fuel!

psyshack 08-14-2007 03:36 PM

Just turned in a tank of 44.7 mpg in the Mazda.


vt420 08-14-2007 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by landspeed (Post 67913)
vt240 - is your 200sx the KA24DE one (2.4 litre?). Is it an S13 'hatch' or saloon?.

I've got a 1.8 200SX but it has been off the road for a while - they are brilliant cars though, very good aerodynamics, but still very heavy on the fuel!

ka24de and coupe, I like it, it's fun

MnFocus 08-14-2007 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by psyshack (Post 68370)
Just turned in a tank of 44.7 mpg in the Mazda.


Movin' on up psy! Good form Sir!:thumbup:

brucepick 08-14-2007 04:57 PM

Now proudly at #32 on the "% over EPA" list. Wheee!
Officially 56.05% over EPA, currently averaging about 31.5 mpg or so.
(shamelessly tooting my own horn)

Bill in Houston 08-15-2007 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by brucepick (Post 68382)
(shamelessly tooting my own horn)

Toot away! It's a sad dog that won't wag his own tail... :-)

vt420 08-15-2007 08:58 AM

broke 30 again for the first time since last summer just about 30 even 451 miles and 15 gallons

also over 40% over epa average now woohoo

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