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GasSavers_mikemoss 06-08-2009 07:09 PM

I can feel when mine goes into DFCO but that could just be do to the high stall torque converter, not conducive to fuel mileage by the way. I also feel like it changes sound a little bit.

GasSavers_GasUser 06-08-2009 08:46 PM

My scangauge will read all 9's in DFCO on the mpg gauge.

theholycow 06-09-2009 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Chibougamou (Post 136294)
For low speeds, I just key the motor off to the Run-I detent (and don't bother going back to the Run-II detent --- so, no gauges active, and limited Scan Gauge even on hybrid setting, but I don't have the headlights draining the battery either --- remember we have automatic headlight on in the Great White North). Restart under 15 mph is no problem.

So, were you turning the key to "Start" to restart the engine?

Chibougamou 06-09-2009 08:33 AM

"So, were you turning the key to "Start" to restart the engine?"

Yes, I restart using the normal key-on with the Honda Civic (auto) in neutral. Doesn't seem to be any extra wear and tear so far (1 year). It just takes a short 1 second burst when the engine is warmed up, although I hold it for a tad longer, to the point where I hear the starter pick up speed. I don't know of any way of bump-starting this model (although I used to do that a lot with the 71 240z).

For the hard-core Civic user, occasionally my 2002 Civic auto doesn't want to start in neutral; have to stop, put it in park, reverse the key in the lock, and try again. It's always done that, about 1 time in 50 starts, since day 1. Once it decides to be obstinate, you can try starting (with the key in the same orientation) 20-30 times and it just won't go. Mule stubborn. Something to do with the 2002 model and recognizing the "chip" in the key according to my Honda mechanic. (Beats me, but when it won't start worth squat one way, then it starts first time when the key is reversed --- no rhyme nor reason as to which side should be up, or which of 3 keys, either. One time its side A, next time its side B, which I had to mark). Stopping "in gear" can give you some fun trying to start it in neutral, too --- you need to always shift into neutral before you stop. May be just peculiarities of MY car --- who knows, but there is some mention of the automatic gear selection process in that towing link above. I just mention it for other Honda Civic automatic users that try EOC or ICE-off at the lights with puzzling results. None of this is worrisome --- just ... well ... peculiar.

theholycow 06-09-2009 08:59 AM

Ok, I see.

With electric starting, you shouldn't have to worry about your torque converter or the transmission in the N->D shift, as long as you rev-match.

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