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jeep45238 02-09-2009 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by bowtieguy (Post 128234)
wow! pay that much to get that little.

i know nothing of RP(in regard to it being PAO based or not), but i'd switch to amsoil and go 10k or yearly changes.

that's alotta dinero to spend every 4k!

It lasts me about 6 months - not bad at all.

One of the primary reasons for the fairly short intervals for the car is the loose bottom end - I want to reduce metal particulates in it as much as I can.

A K&N oil filter for a Dodge SRT4 and 5 quarts of oil gets me by for 1/2 the year.

GasSavers_RoadWarrior 02-10-2009 04:26 AM

Wile-E was on 10,000 miles on walmart 0W30 synthetic, and inspection after blowing his HG proved him beautifully clean, no cam scuffing or anything. Had a high mileage oil in there for 500 miles or so after top end rebuild, for extra detergents and cleanup of any bottom end crap due to coolant getting down there. Put him back on the 0W30, but might be changing it sooner than 10,000 this time, seems to be getting darker sooner, either the filter is crappy, or it's the winter thing getting more combustion deposits going in due to cold engine. I gotta check him soon, he's got a drip :mad:

Marvin was needing good High Milage oil on 3-4000 mile changes, it would "go off" quick.

Anyone notice though that a lot of oil seems to be coming "dark honey" color out of the bottle/jug these days? Even close to strong tea colored. Kinda gives you less "range" in judging how dirty it's getting. I wonder if that's a deliberate ploy to darken earlier to make oil change sensors trip at intervals shorter than they might otherwise have done.


Originally Posted by Jay2TheRescue (Post 128217)
I'm the owner of a business worth millions, and I drive my deposits to the bank in a rusty old Buick... :)

Heh, have to nickname you Howard Hughes, he drove beaters too.

theholycow 02-10-2009 05:16 AM

I'd be watchful when changing from High Mileage oil back to normal stuff. According to what I read on BITOG, the High Mileage oils have additives that swell up gaskets and seals...not extra detergents.

Jay2TheRescue 02-10-2009 08:20 AM

Yeah, my dad always said not to put the high detergent formulations of oil in my old cars & trucks. He also discouraged me from using chemical radiator flushes in the old vehicles. His theory was that after the vehicle was 10 years old the "gunk" is what held it togeather. You start cleaning the engine out too well, and it will start leaking and burning oil.


bowtieguy 02-10-2009 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Jay2TheRescue (Post 128269)
You start cleaning the engine out too well, and it will start leaking and burning oil.

or worse, plug up the sump.

Danronian 02-10-2009 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 128264)
I'd be watchful when changing from High Mileage oil back to normal stuff. According to what I read on BITOG, the High Mileage oils have additives that swell up gaskets and seals...not extra detergents.

I can attest to that happening. :thumbdown:

But if it's a car that won't switch back, or your not planning on having too long due to planning to sell, the high mileage ones work nice in that case. (For me at least.) ;)

Danronian 02-10-2009 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by VetteOwner (Post 128248)
if its slowly startign to leak the bolts could have backed off with time/gasket getting a bit worn out, try lightly tightening then back down, my s-10 managed to get 2 of my valve cover bolts loose to the point of falling out.

WHen I first installed the gasket, the bolts bottomed out before they were tight at all. I used a lot of RTV to post-pone the failure, but no luck. It's due to it being a dirt cheap gasket off of ebay. Can't say I'm that happy with that buy. I have a Honda brand seal ready to replace it once its warm outside again. ;)

VetteOwner 02-11-2009 07:45 PM

yea i only buy gaskets that local stores stock as to avoid those korean made things made out of old clothes gift boxes...

i look for felpro or mr gasket if i cant get one locally i order if off rockauto if they dont have it i make it

shatto 02-28-2009 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Ratman667 (Post 128182)
I use full synthetic 0w40 in the cavalier and change it every 10k. I get a sample tested every change and it still has active additives left.

In the Scion we change it every 3k and use whatever the stealership dumps in it.


Do the analysis first,


If the oil is still good you don't have to change it.

https://www.oaitesting.com/ tells you if your oil is safe for continued use.

GasSavers_GasUser 02-28-2009 03:04 PM

Nice old thread.....on the jeep I use 5w30 syn and change every 5,000 miles.

On the cutlass I use 5w30 dino since that's what it has had since it was born and change it once a year regardless of mileage (that is usually about 4,000 miles or so). It has about 150,000+ miles on it. It doesn't burn oil and no leaks so it keeps getting dino and changes once a year. It doesn't get driven as much as it used to.

I do all my own service since it is so easy and more convenient for me so the miles I stated above are approximate.

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