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rh77 03-03-2007 05:42 AM

Seafoam Does the Trick
Success. After the Seafoam treatment, the clatter is virtually gone. It was considerably colder this morning, and was a perfect condition for the test.

Engine at load, slow speed, ascending a hill at 2300 RPM was back to the baseline sound. No more constant "Diesel" sounds from the valvetrain (or wherever it was coming from).

Oddly enough, with the warmer weather, it posted a high-average tank of over 34 mpg (I know, not earth shattering, but for this car it's significant). Hopefully with the system cleaner, the next 2 tanks will show further improvement after the snow quits (I have to take into account the 20 mpg attained during the highway runs to clear the carbon -- but that was only a few miles). The tank is already back up to 29.x after this morning, according to the trusty ScanGauge.

I'll look into getting Auto-Rx for the next time around -- I hear good things about it.


rh77 03-03-2007 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 42729)
I normally poo-poo additives and their miraculous claims but I like Seafoam. My Corvair sits for extended periods without being run and over the years had developed a sticky, ticky lifter. Dumped some Seafoam in the crankcase and she loosened right up. :thumbup:

Woah! No way! :eek:

That should be on the bottle:

Endorsed by TheClencher


Available where fine auto parts are sold...


cfg83 03-03-2007 07:33 PM

RH77 -


Originally Posted by rh77 (Post 42747)
Woah! No way! :eek:

That should be on the bottle:

Endorsed by TheClencher


Available where fine auto parts are sold...


I don't know.

I say, follow the donuts.


VetteOwner 03-13-2007 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 42729)
I normally poo-poo additives and their miraculous claims but I like Seafoam. My Corvair sits for extended periods without being run and over the years had developed a sticky, ticky lifter. Dumped some Seafoam in the crankcase and she loosened right up. :thumbup:

i will agree to this, my s-10 has partially clogged lifters and when its cold the oil takes time to get up thru them again after sitting all night. usually sounds like popcorn but ever since i did seafoam it hasnt done it! i cant tell you the real truith yet because its been 70's here all week. sposta get down to a high of 40 somehitng saturday. ill try it then.

the way io did it was dump some in the crank case, go for a "spirited" drive (acting like nascar and going 65 on the highway and reving it up(shifting) to 4 k at every light /chance i got) then brought it back immediately changed the oil to get all the loosened /cleaned particles out. let it drain for a while, put the new oil in and filter and then ran it thru the brake booster vac line (makes the truck idle at 2000rpm) and then shut it off and started it again after 5 minutes like the can says. went on another spirited drive and truithfully it seemed to idle alot smoother when i came back home.:D

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