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cfg83 01-26-2007 07:08 PM

Peakster -


Originally Posted by Peakster (Post 37659)
Nice cfq83! But I was wanting one where you could make the LEDs display text on demand. Like if someone is being a dork behind you, you could switch on the LED screen and type a custom message to them instantly (a phrase more creative than giving the finger).

At the Pep Boys near us is a full size LED scrolling thingy for $40. It is maybe 12 characters wide and very visible. It will store 5 120 character messages. It has an infrared remote control. I don't think it has a keyboard, though, so you would have to be very prescient about what you might want to say. I already have a yellow-cheapo-plastic cutting board in my car with the words "THANK YOU" on it. It's good at disarming people's aggressive driving personalities. I didn't make the insulting kind in order to avoid the temptation of being road-raged.

I would probably have these (mild) messages :

2 - FOLLOW ME FOR GREAT MPG!!! (to disarm the tailgaters)
3 - THANK YOU! (when someone is nice)
4 - PLEASE? (in conjuntion with a turn signal)
5 - DANGER!!! (when I see crap or accident in the road ahead)



jharbert 01-27-2007 05:55 AM

I love the idea of a real-time MPG display for the rear window.

I came up with a sticker idea a while back: Want better fuel economy? Stay behind me.

I'd like to have a reverseed gassavers.org windshield sticker so people could read it in their rearview mirror. :)

SVOboy 01-27-2007 09:35 AM

I think yoshi could whip up a real time MPG display that would feed off the signal from the superMID. Someone like Matt should ask him how doable it is.

Matt? Yoshi?

GasSavers_Yoshi 01-27-2007 04:43 PM

Hi all,

My favorite kit shop has such LED dot-matrix display unit as attached, so it is doable.:)


SVOboy 01-27-2007 04:54 PM


GasSavers_Yoshi 01-27-2007 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by SVOboy (Post 38970)

Translation: "How much is it? Beautiful led, but it looks expensive, does it?"

The base kit(32x16 dots) is 7,800 JPY(about USD64) and added another 32x16 dot unit is 2,800 JPY(about USD23).


SVOboy 01-28-2007 07:31 AM

Yay, go go japanese magic. Anyway, so what would it cost to add it as a module to the MID?

I feel like I'll have to meet you this summer while I'm in japan and thank you for giving us all pre-obd2 people the joy of instantaneous FE feedback!

GasSavers_Yoshi 01-28-2007 07:01 PM

Hi SVOboy,
The additional circuit will be serial output on the SuperMID, so it'll be only a few US dallers.
Please let me know when your travel schedule is fixed. Let's have a couple of beers!


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