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JanGeo 11-06-2006 06:19 AM

Anyone that works here in the building knows I spend a lot of time polishing and washing my xB so WHY THE HELL do they think my hood is a shelf to put stuff on! I just found - probably from yesterday - a dent on the top of my right front fender and a bunch of scratches over a 2 square foot area on my hood. Now you have to realize that the paint job on a Scion xB in my case was flawless without a speck of dust anywhere. And believe me I have waxed and polished every square inch of the painted surfaces including the door jams many times.Looks like someone came out the door where I park and put their "stuff" on my hood while they locked the door and it probably was a trash bag full of garbage and covered with dirt from the office floor. Then they dragged it several inches on the hood.

Silveredwings 11-06-2006 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by JanGeo
Anyone that works here in the building knows I spend a lot of time polishing and washing my xB so WHY THE HELL do they think my hood is a shelf to put stuff on! I just found - probably from yesterday - a dent on the top of my right front fender and a bunch of scratches over a 2 square foot area on my hood. Now you have to realize that the paint job on a Scion xB in my case was flawless without a speck of dust anywhere. And believe me I have waxed and polished every square inch of the painted surfaces including the door jams many times.Looks like someone came out the door where I park and put their "stuff" on my hood while they locked the door and it probably was a trash bag full of garbage and covered with dirt from the office floor. Then they dragged it several inches on the hood.

That's nasty. :thumbdown: It's even worse than door dings.

GasSavers_Jack 11-06-2006 11:15 AM

If it makes you feel any better I know a guy that got hit pulling out of the dealer parking lot for the very first time with a brand new car. To make it even worse his wife was killed in that accident. So just remember no matter how bad it is someone has it worse. Another saying that comes to mind. If everyone tossed all of their problems in a pile and had to pick a set back out most people would take back their own.

JanGeo 11-06-2006 11:23 AM

Yeah my friends sister was t-boned last year pulling out on her street by a guy going WAY too fast and I think drunk - she died instantly - was married to the pilot that flew the jet sideways by the aircraft carrier that is a famous photo you all probably have seen.

This is not an accident - someone deliberately put something on my hood and then dragged it across. Dang I am parked with that side against a brick building! It is where it is parked in the photo of my xB next to my posts here.

Silveredwings 11-06-2006 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Jack
If it makes you feel any better I know a guy that got hit pulling out of the dealer parking lot for the very first time with a brand new car. To make it even worse his wife was killed in that accident. So just remember no matter how bad it is someone has it worse. Another saying that comes to mind. If everyone tossed all of their problems in a pile and had to pick a set back out most people would take back their own.

You're absolutely right, except I think most people would fight to get their own problems back. ;)

Silveredwings 11-06-2006 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Jack
f it makes you feel any better I know a guy that got hit pulling out of the dealer parking lot for the very first time with a brand new car. To make it even worse his wife was killed in that accident.

That's awful.

Originally Posted by JanGeo
Yeah my friends sister was t-boned last year pulling out on her street by a guy going WAY too fast and I think drunk - she died instantly - was married to the pilot that flew the jet sideways by the aircraft carrier that is a famous photo you all probably have seen.

That's awful too.

Those stories really get to me. Driving is so dangerous. The older I get, the slower I want to drive. Man, youth is SO wasted on the young.

Ted Hart 11-08-2006 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by rh77
000020 miles on the TSX and a dump-truck ahead lost a load of gravel. Scrapes down to the primer on the hood. On the way home from the dealer!!!


Ah! Lessons learned.... I never follow a dump truck or a semi closer than 14 or 15 car lengths! The gravel kicked up past worn or missing mud flaps (guards?) will find your windshield! :cool:

JanGeo 11-08-2006 06:13 AM

On my trip to Maine last Saturday north of Boston an assfault (pun) truck merged onto the 4 lane highway and immediately pulled into the second lane that I was in dropping the little tar covered gravel all over the road in front of me - I had to change lanes really quick but had to cross behind him. Could hear it hitting my nice clean car but apparently nothing stuck - just more chips on the front bumper and windshield now too many to count. I always double check for long mudflaps and no dirt on the wheels and underside that will fall off on bumps before getting near trucks. What really sucks is a lot of the high ground clearance SUVs are wide open behind the rear wheels with little overhang on the tails and showing at least half of the tire backside and can be real rock throwers. And of course some of them are the lane weavers.

Silveredwings 11-11-2006 06:07 AM

The latest news is that the car will not be done in the 2 week time, but more like the 3 week range (maybe 11/17). The current cost is ~$4,800. Sheesh, I'm in the wrong business. :)

onegammyleg 11-11-2006 09:10 PM

Are new cars magnetic or something?
I have been wating for some smart brass to come up with the answer :D

the answer is YES , cars are indeed magnetic.


When current flows through a wire an electromagnetic fiield is produced.
The body of the car is the (-) ground return path it is part of the electrical circuit.

So electricity flows in the body panels of the car when power is being used making it into a very weak electromagent.

But the magentism effect of course is VERY VERY weak. :D

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