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R.I.D.E. 02-13-2017 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Draigflag (Post 193029)
You cant worry about what "might" happen. A set of tyres on a Veyron Super Sport are $25,000. Most people fit locking wheel nuts, but I always take mine off, not a big fan and it only takes one over enthusiastic mechanic to screw them up, literally!

In every second of driving for 50 years now, situational awareness is essentially "worrying about what might happen". This additional level of attention paid to all factors of driving has saved my life on several occasions, with two examples following.

Sitting in a line of stopped traffic in my 1959 Corvette, I saw the driver behind me not slowing down. I pulled over into the median grass strip between the opposing lanes of the 4 lane highway allowing the following driver just enough distance to skid to a stop. I had enough distance between my car and the car in front of me to make this move for exactly this reason.

On the same road not even a mile further north, driving normally, the 1968 Pontiac GTO in front of me slammed on his brakes at a turning point on the road, one without an exit lane, leaving his rear end sticking out into the 55 mph oncoming traffic.

Because I KNEW the lane to my right was clear, I pulled over into that lane. The car behind me slammed into the GTO spinning it around two times, a terrific collision. I turned around and went into a tractor sales shop and told them to call an ambulance (no 911 at that time).

The woman driving the car that hit the GTO was badly injured and after about 15 minutes the police realized that her infant child was up under the dashboard of the car (no child safety seats required at that time). Both survived with significant injuries.

ChewChewTrain 02-13-2017 09:07 PM

Enjoyed your stories, Gary.

Draigflag 02-13-2017 11:04 PM

Great stories about car thieves?.....

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