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bowtieguy 08-16-2009 11:42 AM

i couldn't edit my last post but here's my HSA link...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_savings_account

and, tax breaks to small companies could be implimented to help offer healthcare.

theholycow 08-16-2009 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by RoadWarrior (Post 139890)
I haven't prioritised my pension plan, because I've known for years it's not going to work, there will be no money left when I get there.

One of us is confused. If you think social security won't have any money left when you get there, wouldn't it make sense to make a bigger priority of your pension plan, which is under your control?

theclencher 08-16-2009 03:52 PM

I don't get that either but RW always knows what he's doing!!!

shatto 08-16-2009 04:02 PM

Maybe he read Ric Edelman's books and is on a plan.

GasSavers_RoadWarrior 08-16-2009 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 139910)
One of us is confused. If you think social security won't have any money left when you get there, wouldn't it make sense to make a bigger priority of your pension plan, which is under your control?

Nope, because it goes in funds which are various "gold chip" stocks and securities, which are dependent for making money on growing economic activity. The total of which may be worth at the time way less than what I paid in. So they won't purchase much of an annuity at the time of my retirement. Some schemes rely really on continuing income from newer and not yet retired subscribers, those will appear realllllly eager for your money right now as they have to pay out boomers whose money they squandered giving the previous generation a high time of it. Things that "always" make money won't. I don't think there will be much of a correction of the business environment and uptick of the markets until the boomers finally start dying en-masse which is probably gonna be about 5-10 years after I would need it to.

So anyway, I'm paying in at a rate which will give me at least subsistance funds if everything turns out okay, but otherwise my policy is "Don't feed the boomers" because the money I put in will probably go mostly to keeping the cash fires burning, to keep companies solvent that cater to them.

I'm not saying I won't have anything I'm just avoiding overcommitment to conventional pension funds and investments when I expect them to fail long term. There's numerous ways it could fall out, 90% of them not good. I'm expecting it to be a bit of a rollercoaster ride to get there though, I think we're headed into a more chaotic boom-bust cycle with bubbles a plenty. These will I think be amplified by people closer to retirement than me, seeing things slowly go to crap pension wise, and taking "last chance" gambles on the bubbles, hoping to multiply what funds they do have. If you're going bubble surfing, get out early. As soon as you find yourself thinking "OMG I wonder how much higher it can go?" get out.

Could work out in the end that it's so bad that I'm not any better off than anyone else, but at least I won't feel ripped off :p

dieselbenz 08-16-2009 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Scott (Post 139681)
7 billion by 2010

Not if we implement Obama's death panels NOW!

theclencher 08-16-2009 07:41 PM

One can only hope!!!

FrugalFloyd 08-16-2009 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by shatto (Post 139894)
Old buddy and pal,
That basic information is in the published version of the plan put forth by The United States Congress, AKA, lawmakers.

That "basic information" was from a provision in a House of Representatives bill that would have provided government funding for optional counseling on end-of-life care issues such as hospice care. The caricature by Palin, Grassley, and others is mandatory "death panels," a ridiculous and disingenuous distortion. False 'death panel rumor.

FrugalFloyd 08-16-2009 10:43 PM

Bowtieguy, What do you know about Big Pharma? I worked a career with the Food and Drug Administration. Your claim that Big Pharma is cutting off its own throat is just plain wrong. Common sense should tell you that Big Pharma's profits go up with the current system of individual high-priced pharmaceutical purchases v. bulk government purchases. That's the reason the industry got the Prescription Drug Marketing Act of 1987 passed - to prevent HMOs from passing bulk drug purchase savings back to consumers.

I didn't suggest the conservative view is a lie. I said the hysterical rubbish about death panels is a lie.


only about 5 million people REALLY lack needed healthcare if illegals and those that are offered coverage, but decline, are not counted.
Reality check. I don't know where you got your figures from, but they don't remotely approach reality. A study by the Commonwealth Fund found seven out of ten working age women, or 64 million, are uninsured or underinsured for health care. Add >39% of working age men, and the figures are about twenty times worse than your claims. The situation is far from the rosy scenario you propose.

101mpg 08-17-2009 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by SentraSE-R (Post 139889)
??? What is a moderator doing injecting political lies into this thread? The "death panel" garbage is a blatant conservative/Big Pharma line of B.S.

This is an off-topic forum. Regardless, do not issue personal attacks or you will receive a ban.

Second - read the ACTUAL bill on page 16 and you'll find it is not a lie at all. Trying to dismiss actual language is a straw man.

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