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FLAteam 09-10-2008 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Lug_Nut (Post 118172)
Some apparently WANT to be behind. They WANT to be annoyed. .

So true. Some people out there will just continue to honk/highbeam/flash you even when you're doing all the right things. This is where I get pissed and I do things to spite them (like super DFCO below 40mph, which is illegal on the highway in Florida). Its hard to do much to people, so I usually just ignore them. I'm not sure what their problem is, maybe they're on a power trip.

I guess my suggestion is, when you're doing all the right things, ignore them. If you're merging onto an exit on from the fast lane (in the US, it would be the left lane), make some concessions and speed up if you feel its necessary. I probably wouldn't. But i'm a spiteful hypermiler.

catejust 09-10-2008 01:32 PM

i have a sticker on my rear taurus window (not on the tailgate, i wanna be able to remove it to sell it) that just says "I drive slow to save gas, so get off my ***"

it works wonders!

Erdrick 09-11-2008 02:14 AM

You could always use limo tint on your rear windows, and take your side view mirrors. That way you will never know who/what is behind you! You may see them flying past you on your left hand side, but just keep looking straight ahead.

Americans are pretty nuts though. The fact that people are allowed to carry guns there really scares me. In Japan you do get passed sometimes if you are going slow, but no one gets mad about it. People just have a much different outlook here. Live and let live.

That is one reason that I won't be driving when I eventually go back to the states. Just not worth the stress and danger.

Cruzedriver 09-11-2008 02:39 AM

No offense to your believes but i do feel safer know that people ARE carrying guns here.
I mean yeah there are some freaks out there that use guns in the worng way... say after a road rage incident lol but if guns were banned those people would still find a way to get one. So i say let the good people have them so that we can stop the ones that are crazy if needed. There was a case in texas at a resturant where they posted a NO guns in here sign on the door... In my opinion that just screams stupidity cause then a criminal will walk by and by like ********** i need to go in there and rob it cause no one can stop me. So guess what A guy DID go in the resturant and robbed it. There were multiple people in there that had their carry licences which they could have stopped him from what he did. along with robbing the place he killed 8 people. Those 8 people could have lived if the guns were allowed. So i would advise everyone to get their carry license so that they can save lives. Also on of the people killed was someone that had their license and had to leave the gun in there car. Also when a resturant or whatever puts up that sign, they are saying dont bring your gun in here cuase we will protect you.... see how that worked out for them

Ok i did digress alot from my original topic but i believe VERY strongly in our second amendment. The right to bear arms.



Mayhim 09-11-2008 04:52 AM

Take away the number of people that were shot and killed due to drug and other crimes and you have a very small number of people killed by guns. The number of people killed in road rage incidents is a miniscule number. More people are bludgeoned to death by lamps and clubs. It's pretty much a non-issue that has been spun by the media and anti-gun types.

You're more liable to be killed on the roadway by teenaged girls texting or yakking.

To come back to the original point of the conversation, use common sense and keep right. Get behind other slow vehicles to take the heat off of you. And, you can only be responsible for the personal actions of the person controlling the car you are driving...everybody else has their own karma to deal with.

theholycow 09-11-2008 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by Cruzedriver (Post 118176)
Thats sweet!!

https://video.google.com/videoplay?do...46325790254055 :D

theholycow 09-11-2008 07:45 AM

Please take the gun discussion to a new thread.


Originally Posted by Lug_Nut (Post 118172)
I returned to the 40+ mph. Next passing section, blinker on, window down, 'come around' arm motion, slowed to 20 mph. The follower matches my speed, starts flashing his lights, but makes absolutely no attempt to pass or otherwise take charge of his own destiny.

At that point, I'd pull over and stop. If he goes, give him a dirty look. If he stops too, well, then that depends on my mood -- either get out and ask him if something is wrong with my car and that's why he flashed his lights, or do the smart thing and race away because he's probably a murderer.

FLAteam 09-11-2008 08:44 AM

damn, that water squirt mod makes me want to get a hatchback again.

I think that's actually a great to stop and see what's up, maybe they noticed your licence plate (or exhaust!) is about to fall off or maybe you've got a blown taillight. But yea, that person could also be a serial rapist/killer.

Dalez0r 09-11-2008 09:34 AM

I don't know about you, but if I see someone's exhaust about to fall off I dont tailgate them. ;)

R.I.D.E. 09-11-2008 10:13 AM

Put antifreeze in the washer tank.

Honestly people, I would rather be a stealth hypermiler, than one who wants to stick it in their face. If you prefer the second method, I would suggest notification (sticker) so people might understand your are no threat. Drafting is especially significant at 65 MPH, it reduces the total energy demand by about 20%, if done properly, and that is not risking your life. Leave stopping distance between you and the truck and let all the others blast by you. Their draft makes your mileage go up as they pass you.

The most afraid I think I have ever been was when I pulled out on the DC beltway and got stuck behind an 80 year old man in a giant 88 OLDS 2 dr sedan, going 35 MPH with everybody else going 72. Stay behind him and get nailed, or pull out in front of someone flying by you and get nailed, at almost a 50 MPH difference in speed in a 280Z.

Dont want that happening around me, no friggin way. I don't plan on dying for a few MPG.


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