I'm putting together are low budget HHO cell that should have very good efficiency and high(ish) out put (if it doesn't leak too bad). I'm documenting it in an exempt to start a blog. |
Ive been following this movement since it started and had hoped that by now it would be more mainstream, but understand why it is not. Too many unanswered questions: I still do not understand why there is an abundance of oxygen in the exhaust.....ie. If you burn H2+2O2 you get 2H2O. This should not....if it is being burnt as claimed, cause an excess of O2 in the exhaust. And if all the claims that I have read are correct, that burning the H2 will cause gasoline to burn more completely, then there should be even less atmospheric O2 than with out the system. Can anyone explain.....really EXPLAIN this process? thx
That is a very good question...
Anyway, I've heard a lot about this (i also post on a few HHO forums). From what i can tell people don't really know what they are doing, and come up with reasons that it work. Some people say that the extra H2O in the exhaust is read as more O2, but I think this is bogous, a large amount of normal exhaust is H2O. Further more I can't seem to find a one mention of O2 sensor tuning in relation to people who use water injection (used with superchargers to keep form knocking) I think a big part of the efie thing is that it improves mileage, and if a crap cell for sale won't then they through in a cheap little box that does help. It's really a snake oil biz, so it's really good to question everything. I don't really see it as a reasonable way of improving mileage for me, but I do things because they are fun and interesting, not because they are reasonable. If your looking for mileage savings, add acetone to your gas (2 to 3 oz per 10 gal) This will reduce surface tension so your injector will give a better spray, and you'll burn more of it. This is a much easier way of reducing this inefficiency. Another way is to inject a small amount of propane into your intake, this will act just like HHO, with out the draw on your alternator. |
The idea of HHO working properly is that more of this fuel gets burned in the cylinders. If it does burn pre-exhaust than there is not as much O2, so the car thinks it's running rich... Wait a second, that would mean that you would want to do the opposite thing to the sensor... I think the main thing is that you can get away with a leaner burn, I'm would never recommend anyone doing this with out a way of reading exhaust temp. |
How much Hydrogen (HHO) in LPM is needed to supplement for lean gas?
How much Hydrogen (HHO) in LPM is needed to supplement for lean gas?
I have an 07 HHR LT 2.4L and get an average of 25MPG. I do about 80% highway driving. I would like to get a 5+ MPG increase to 30+ MPG. Trying to get info, I read the thread on "Need some help with my math, how much HHO needed?" which talks about replacing gas. Very interesting but I'm not looking to do that. I just want improve MPGs a bit. As a supplement, adding Hydrogen and oxygen to the mix, makes a lot of sense and in theory, should work well. The problems I see are 1. The mix. How many Liters per minute (for my engine) is needed to supplement at highway speed (approx. 2300 to 2500 RPM) to keep the engine from burning holes in the pistons and ideally run at normal temps? I have researched a lot and no one seems to address that question. I have seen claims that 1LPM almost doubled the MPG of a moterhome with a V8. I think that is a bit "too good to be true", but I don't really know. Reading your (Learch) posts, you talk about Parahydrogen. This is the first I have read of Parahydrogen, can you tell us how it is generated and would this be better for MPG's? I calculated that my car burns about .03 Gal per Minute which is .14 LPM of Gasoline. That makes a LPM of HHO seem like a lot and even enough to run a can on, but its not. 2. At a heaver 15 to 20+ amp draw, is this going to negate the fuel savings? Is this draw going to burn out my very expensive alternator? Is there a way to lower the amp draw? Does pulsing the current work? I have read that pulsing the current can lower the amp draw at the same HHO output. Is a dry cell better than a wet cell? 3. Having to constantly monitor and adjust settings as you drive. Is there something, a box that I can buy, that adjusts automatically? 4 I read that modern cars are tuned rich and can actually run well on a leaner mixture but doing so significantly reduces the life of the catalytic converter. Will the addition of HHO in the mix prevent this or make it worse? |
Hello members ! I have been experimenting with HHO for 2 yrs. now. Last wk I built an 11 cell unit with 20 gauge, 304 stainless plates. 3.5X3.5
Initially, I mixed 2 ltr of distilled water with 1 ltr. Of 50% liquid KOH. The amp draw was 18 amps, and I got 1 1/2 ltr/ per min. I thought this was fantastic, so I drove for about 100 miles to test the unit. I averaged a 25% increase in mileage on an '07 Malibu V6.(3.5 ltr engine), but the storage tank got quite hot. Next day I drove about 30 miles to work, then home again. When I checked the unit, it was drawing 10 amps and putting out about 1/2 ltr. per min. Normally, when water is consumed in these devices, the amp draw should go up due to the fact that the KOH is supposed to remain in solution, and only the water diminishes. I have found this problem with all of my testing, and surely would like to get around it. If you have any suggestions, I sure would appreciate any help you can render. Regards. Dave Lynds 1-902-223-6141 davelynds@eastlink.ca |
Re: Bring Your Hho Questions!!!
Can I put in a thermistor circuit to monitor and regulate the temp of the HHO generator?
new to forum and interested in installing hho
hi everyone. I am new to this forum. I have a 2005 yukon with 5.3L. I have been researching the hho kits for my truck to see if it is worth the money. i talked to a guy i know who built one himself on a 2000 gmc fullsize pickup. he says that without he got 600 km/tank and with it on he got 1000km/tank. is there anybody on here that has installed a hho kit on a 2005 yukon with a 5.3L? i have heard that on some vehicles it dont work.
i am new too this forum. i have done some research on the hho kits and want to instal one in my 2005 gmc yukon 5.3L. is there anybody here that has installed one with positive results? and what manufacturer did you use? thanks.
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