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cfg83 07-11-2007 03:31 PM

Hello -

The Smart car crash safety gets mixed reviews here too :

Tiny Smart car faces safety questions

The article claims that in Europe it has a 3 star crash rating, while other passenger cars are 4 or 5 stars.

The article talks about the "bigger car and truck" traffic composition in the USA. As discussed earlier in other threads, that's a risk alot of GasSavers choose to take.

I wouldn't compare the Smart to all other cars on the road. I would compare it to Metro/Swift's, CRX's and Yaris'.

In alot of ways I think of the Smart as an "enclosed motorcycle". Given the choice between a motorcycle and a Smart, I'll take the Smart. What would happen to a motorcycle driver in that video if they hit that low wall at 70 MPH? Can you spell meat rocket?


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