But for me, the most tantalizing thing of all is that we have two other Geo's for parts, both with 5 speed manual transmissions. If only I knew anything about cars.
It takes alot to actually wear out that bearing. I've been EOC'ing in an AT car for 20k miles. It now has around 125k miles on it, and the tranny still runs fine. Most don't last this long. If the bearing lost oil quickly, I would need a new tranny right now.
how far do you eoc on a tank tho i know mine add up. ive been testing p@g with engine on and i think that might be the best way because you still have everything and you coast really far.
I EOC at least five times every time I get into the car and sometimes more. I know the timing of all of the lights in my area, so I can coast for 1/2 mile to a red light. I also EOC when I get to a reasonable distance from my destination, and just about always have to go over a bridge that I EOC down. Overall, I've coasted alot with the engine off.
yeah same here with those #s i would think so. i didnt see much of a increase from eoc tho thats why i cant wait to finish my 100 miles (sounds wierd to say that) so i can see the results of p@g on the higway. somtime tomarrow i will post on the results
Well, I don't think that it's entirely me. I think that there is something wrong with the car that is causing it to use less fuel. I was getting about 25 mpg in the city before learning how to drive green. That entailed alot of A/C, heavy acceleration, alot of idling, etc.
lol you mean somthing awesomely wrong. if you find out what it is tell me so i can break it
Lol. Can you make a video of your P&G tomorrow? I'm curious about how you're accelerating and how long you're coasting for. I might be able to add something to it since we have pretty much identical cars.
idk about tomarrow because i have to work alot but i will try to do it and send it somehow.
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