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jwxr7 05-21-2007 05:57 AM

2 Attachment(s)
here is my mountain bike. Same thing happened to it.

DRW 05-21-2007 08:25 PM

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This is my commuter bike. It's blurry and pixelated, too, but you can still see the major features. Carbon fiber aero frame and fork, aero front wheel with bladed spokes, lightweight LED head and tail lights, big platform pedals for good power transfer with regular shoes, and Sachs Ergo shifters which would be known as steering mounted paddle shifters in the automotive world. :)

DRW 05-21-2007 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by jwxr7 (Post 52096)
here is my road bike. I had to resize it alote and it got pixilated in the process :mad: . It's an old 10 speed Puch, marco polo.

A Marco Polo! Where in the world did you find it? :D

jwxr7 05-23-2007 07:08 AM


A Marco Polo! Where in the world did you find it?
I bought it at a yard sale for $15. It's a little short for me but gets me around alote more efficiently than my trek;) .

usedgeo 05-26-2007 06:10 PM

I have had this one for over 25 years and never ridden it much. Alway meant too but it always seemed to hurt too much. I hated those little seats.


I got this bike at the neighbors yard sale for $10. The dimension roller drive engine cost more than that. It will move the bike adequately when conditions are dry but the vibration gets to me. I feel a tifle guilty about the pollution too.


Ordered this one today. I looked at several that sat a lot lower. Right or wrong I went with one that had a fairly high seat with base angle adjustment.


I think I will buy a phoenix hub motor and put the wheel and batteries in a homemade trailer.


GasSavers_roadrunner 05-27-2007 01:24 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Love my Downtube IXNS 9 Speed Folding Bike. Fits nice in my Yaris.

MetroMPG 05-27-2007 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by usedgeo (Post 52925)
I got this bike at the neighbors yard sale for $10. The dimension roller drive engine cost more than that. It will move the bike adequately when conditions are dry but the vibration gets to me. I feel a tifle guilty about the pollution too.

HA! I had exactly the same motor on my bike when I lived in the Cayman Islands for a short while (no car).

Didn't know squat about emissions back then - though I do remember I was able to use it for 25 cents a week (I only motored on the way to work, and to out run wild dogs that always chased me at one particular corner. :))

boofighter 05-29-2007 01:23 PM

this is my bike.
i bought it cheap, $100 from sport check. it was crap until i had it fixed at a real bike shop.
the back sprockets would not take any torque and would just free wheel. very annoying. it just sat for a year. then last year fixed a bit on my own then this year put some money into it and it rides like a new bike.
ride it just about every day to work, about 5kms. wifes bike is in behind. we both learned a lesson from mine and so hers is a bit better quality.

MetroMPG 06-02-2007 05:17 PM

Say hello to my new beater bike!


It's been about 5 years since I rescued my 30 year old Raleigh from the garbage truck, and it has been a trusty steed.

But I couldn't say no to this beauty, which was put at the curb around the corner today.

It's about a 20 year old Norco, which I believe was orange originally, the green was brushed on by some previous owner. Kind of weird frame: short top tube, or something.

And it was seized solid (handle bars wouldn't turn, chain solid with rust, back brakes stuck)! Nothing some penetrating oil and about 40 minutes couldn't fix. And now everything works.

So I'll give this one a week or so to prove itself, and then I'll see if I can give away the old 10 speed...

MetroMPG 06-02-2007 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by boofighter (Post 53246)
ride it just about every day to work, about 5kms.

Cool - another bike commuter.

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