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GasSavers_TomO 01-19-2007 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Silveredwings (Post 38256)
It's ALWAYS bad to generalize!! :D

Generally, it's always bad to generalize...generally speaking that is. ;)

My personal experience on this subject:

My wife thinks I'm goofy for the things I do to my car, but doesn't care as long as I don't spend hardly anything doing it. She tried once to figure out the FE of her car but gave up after one tank. Her 2000 Mazda Protege LX gets about 26 MPG the way she drives it and she's ok with that. She gets a little annoyed when I remind her that my car gets double the mileage hers does. :cool:

lovemysan 01-19-2007 07:35 PM

My wife cooks, cleans, cuddles, keeps the gaslog for me and has started eoc'ing. Its been a long haul though. It only took 6 years to teach how to drive a stick.

And yes I love her, I don't think another woman like exist.

SVOboy 01-19-2007 08:54 PM

I might as well add my personal bit to this:

My first girlfriend was so taken with my addiction to FE that she made her parents get an HCHII when she started driving, even though her family almost exclusively drives <20mpg vehicles (2006 viper, H2, bmw 750lxi [or whatever the most expensive kind is]).

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