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MetroMPG 11-20-2006 08:15 AM

53 mpg @ 65-75 is very promising. I'd even say: "holy lean burn, Batman!"

You're going to enjoy it.

(I'm nursing a simmering case of VX envy, if you haven't noticed yet.)

GasSavers_Jack 11-20-2006 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by RobbieVX
just got back last night and was very impressed with the car. picked it up at about noon, filled up the tank, and drove back from pheonix to la, stopped in palms springs at my moms. the thing is so clean, the guy garaged it all its life and had all the paperwork including the original window stricker. i drove anywhere between 65-75 mph the whole way (i know not the most efficient speed, but with a speed limit of 75, its hard to go much slower). got all the way pack to port hueneme (448mi) and the tank seemed to be pretty low, so i filled it up (8.3gal) aproxx 53mpg, which was very impressive considering i didnt do anything to the car execpt fill it up and drive.

Very Nice! By those stats that was money well spent!

krousdb 11-20-2006 10:39 AM

Congrats Robbie! 53 MPG at 75MPH without drafting sounds about right. I get 60-65 at 60MPH and 70 MPG at 55 MPH without drafting.

Hook up a DMM to D16 and D18. When the O2 is cold, you will see -.0.77V. If you see +0.77 then switch the leads. You will see +0.40 during lean burn cruising. 0.20 at idle. You also might consider buying a SuperMID.

RobbieVX 11-20-2006 11:59 AM

thanks. the DMM will be one of the first things i do. i had the A/C on for about 250 of the 450 miles as well. im sure i could get some good numbers with the a/c off and going a little slower.

RobbieVX 11-20-2006 05:15 PM

anyone have any useful tips for smogging this thing? i know the out-of-ca cars put out more Nox, do i have to make sure i tell the smog tech its out of state? any info would be great, i cant stand going all the way over the to smog check place and then going home with a FAILED cert.

The Toecutter 11-20-2006 07:49 PM

What's amazing about the VX is not only the fuel economy it can manage but also 0-60 mph in ~10 seconds. Definately a good platform to build a fuel miser from. Give it some aeromods, LRR tires and all the rest, and youll be well on your way.

It's not even that aerodynamic of a car. Imagine a small, aerodynamic sports car that used that engine. Say, ~1,200 pounds, a .20 Cd, and 15 square foot frontal area...

Compaq888 11-24-2006 06:36 PM

I want a VX so bad. In my car I can only manage low 40's if I try.

basjoos 11-25-2006 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by Compaq888
I want a VX so bad. In my car I can only manage low 40's if I try.

I could find a 92 to 95 CX with an ICE on its last legs and install an used DX ICE from Japan (mine cost less than $2000 installed). That will give you a car that will do 0-60 in 10 sec and still get over 50mpg in the highway in the summer in normal driving (up to low 60's using hypermiling techniques, 70's with aero mods). That's been my route to good FE.

Compaq888 11-25-2006 06:47 AM

My car gets over 50 on the freeway easily. The probably is I have a guilty conscience and I speed up for other drivers.

GasSavers_NickF829 12-30-2006 06:41 AM

sorry to resurect an old post, but when checking the o2 via d16 and d18, should both read the same number? the d16 goes directly to the o2 but the d18 goes to the shift indicator light according to the haynes. am i supposed to be check any of the other 5 wires coming from the o2? i have a hope that my o2 sensor is bad but i just want to be sure before i spend 300$ on a new one

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