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Silveredwings 10-26-2006 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by brick
My philosophy is not to worry to much about damage unless it affects the integrity of the car. Little door dings, no big deal. The mysterious scrape in my plastic bumper cover, also no big deal. Even a little paint scratch or chip that doesn't go through the primer, no big deal. But I draw the line at anything that exposes bare metal or otherwise impacts the lifespan of the vehicle. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it does have to last!

Exactly, that's my biggest concern at this point. The quarter panel will have to be cut and welded, so all bets are off as to how well it handles condensation and rain water from here on.

Silveredwings 10-30-2006 03:18 PM

So I put it into the "BMW Certified Collision Center" today. They said w/o taking it apart fully, it would take from two to three weeks to fix. :eek:

They have to disassemble a large part of the interior, remove the glass, etc. before they can weld in a new quarter panel. I hope this means that they will do a really, really, really god job! :rolleyes:

onegammyleg 10-30-2006 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Silveredwings
I hope this means that they will do a really, really, really god job! :rolleyes:

Nahh , they will still end up filling it with plastic and take a day to do the whole job.
For the rest oif the time they will be out in a back room getting drunk , smoking weed and crakin on to the secretary.

Just like in every other panel shop in the world.


MetroMPG 10-31-2006 12:04 PM

What he said.

Just kidding - here's hoping for a full & speedy recovery.

Silveredwings 10-31-2006 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by onegammyleg
Nahh , they will still end up filling it with plastic and take a day to do the whole job.
For the rest oif the time they will be out in a back room getting drunk , smoking weed and crakin on to the secretary.

Just like in every other panel shop in the world.

yeah, either that or the assigned tech has a 2 week vacation in there. ;)

Compaq888 10-31-2006 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by psyshack
Sorry about the car. :(

I take it real hard when cars get torn up. Im still so mad at my wife for tearing up the Accords bumper cover cause she stuck her head up her a$$,,, Im really thinking about leaving her. She has messed up every darn car shes ever driven. Hell I can replace a wife easier than a car. And to think she wanted to drive my Civic just days before she ripped up the rear end on hers.

I dont see the engineering or think look that car did its job. I think,, well yet another stupid human trick when I see wrecked cars.

The thought of my Civic being in a real wreck is scary as hell. With Hondas ACE engineering. I know my car will either xplode or implode if i hit anything. Or anything hits me. The car has enough air bags Im certin if they all went off at the same time it would shred its self.

Im really sorry about your new car. Sounds like you went out of your way to make a good purchase on a soild car in near new condition.

Now if I could figure out how to get the lawyers after my wife for jacking up our Accord and get her lic. revoked. She really dosent need to be driving..

I'd rather have a female friend/wife/gf screw up my car than be a loner.
It's much easier to to find a car than to find a woman that loves you.

Try buying your wife a mid 1980's chrystlers. Get a new engine and tranny and those things are like tanks. My aunt used to have a 1986 Chrystler car. She hit some guy's car and totalled his car. My aunt's car only had a cracked headlight, which still WORKED!

A couple years ago the engine threw a rod and still ran, it shook like a crazy bull but it ran.

Silveredwings 11-01-2006 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by Compaq888
A couple years ago the engine threw a rod and still ran, it shook like a crazy bull but it ran.

That's amazing.

Compaq888 11-01-2006 06:47 PM

LOL. The mechanic came to see the car and asked my uncle if the car made any noises before it died. My uncle said it was driving on the freeway and the engine just died all of a sudden. No weird noises at all. The mechanic looked at him with the most horrific look ever.

Don't cars usually make a noise when they throw a rod???

rh77 11-01-2006 07:10 PM

Blues Brothers

Originally Posted by Compaq888
LOL. The mechanic came to see the car and asked my uncle if the car made any noises before it died. My uncle said it was driving on the freeway and the engine just died all of a sudden. No weird noises at all. The mechanic looked at him with the most horrific look ever.

Don't cars usually make a noise when they throw a rod???

Reminds me of the "Blues Brothers" movie:

"She's thrown a rod" and they keep on going -- ironically, a 1974 Dodge (Chrysler)

"106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half of pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it!"

Silveredwings 11-04-2006 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Silveredwings
So I put it into the "BMW Certified Collision Center" today. They said w/o taking it apart fully, it would take from two to three weeks to fix. :eek:

They have to disassemble a large part of the interior, remove the glass, etc. before they can weld in a new quarter panel. I hope this means that they will do a really, really, really god job! :rolleyes:

I called them yesterday and they said:
1. it should be done at the end of next week, and
2. it won't cost me anything (except the hassle of this whole thing anyway).

So it will be nice to get back to my regular life... :thumbup:

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