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Compaq888 06-27-2006 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by The Toecutter
I've been looking for a job that doesn't drug test for a while(civil liberties issue for me). Still no dice, but they exist.

The reality is, the individual doesn't have as much control over their life and the decision making process in this country as all the propaganda they teach you in history class would have you believe. But I also contend that it's no excuse not to keep trying. No matter what. Once you quit, you have no one left to blame but yourself.

I hope you find that job you're looking for, Compaq. Best of luck.

It's very true, everybody depends on somebody else. I keep trying, I'm just tired of looking.

GasSavers_brick 06-28-2006 08:26 AM

Attitude is everything. If you decide that you're screwed and your life will always suck, guess what? Your life will always suck. If you decide that you are going to fix your life come hell or high water, your life will not suck. A friend of mine whined and moaned just like this about how it was all the "system's fault" and "I'm never going to get anywhere because I was born in the wrong family" and nonsense like that. You know what got him out of that gutter? Taking responsibility for himself. Now he's working on his Masters of Public Policy and starting down what could be an extremely satisfying career path, working against the injustices that he percieves. The fundamental cause of his turnaround was a change of attitude.

Believe in it, work for it, and you will get there.

The Toecutter 06-28-2006 05:43 PM


Believe in it, work for it, and you will get there.
Not necessarily... there's a large number of people that try their entire lifes and never make it.

But if you don't try, you WON'T get anywhere.

diamondlarry 06-28-2006 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by The Toecutter
Not necessarily... there's a large number of people that try their entire lifes and never make it.

But if you don't try, you WON'T get anywhere.

Absolutely! Here's a good definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.

thisisntjared 06-28-2006 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Compaq888
I like to whine and complain.

then im done talking to you. you attention whoring adolescent! high school is over. accept responsebility.

dont bother responding to me in this thread. i will not be reading it.

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