as food and drink is needed
as food and drink is needed for the body, i think weed is good for the mind if used properly.
Dumbass gets high still a dumbass. Smart guy gets high, he gets creative. |
Re: Indeed, well, I have a
My gramma's farm has it
My gramma's farm has it every so often. It's kind of random, but it's there. This summer an area that I was working was very full of it, quite the test of will. I can certainly see why it's fun but I have the silly idea that if I love myself I won't forfeit my life to a chemical-induced haze where I can't particularly control my actions or afterwards do what I normally would.
My favorite thing is my friend who got high on a college visit, then when we raced for XC the next day he puked a green, mucusy slime for a half hour. |
if you don't need it don't
if you don't need it don't use it. If you try to make up a reason to use it then I wouldn't recommend it at all. Just like you said there's almost no point and it could mess up your actions and maybe become dependant on it, I can see where your trying to come from so totally understandable but dang, I would have picked those buds :D
As for me, I got many reasons and as for your friend sounds like he doesn't know his own body at all I've never encountered that kind of experience, if it was green it was either a) there was seaweed in the guy's food he ate earlier (just brings back a memory of a person's puke in my washroom that smelled like the sea) or b) he was drinking something green or his body just can't take any more drugs. Either or, you've got to know your limits and if you don't, don't try because your just going to make things worse. Irresponsible drug use just makes it all go down the drain and funds the war on drugs even further... |
Don't allow a TV anywhere
Don't allow a TV anywhere near your room. They are hazardous to your grades.
If you aren't an early bird, don't sign up for any early classes. Missing class is a big oops. Don't string classes together one after another. When test days hit, you'll have study/review time between them. Don't incur anymore debt than you absolutely have to. Its tough to get rid of. |
Yeah, I don't know why it
Yeah, I don't know why it was green, it must've been something he ate, it's just in all the XC throw ups I have seen I have yet to see a really thick green mucus.
Quote:Don't allow a TV
Re: Don't allow a TV anywhere
For one semester I had a class at 6:00am. 6 AM!?!?! WTF was I thinking? Anyway, it was a horrible idea. I also had class after class (often early in the morning or late at night) because i had to schedule my 40/hrs a week for work. Space out your classes... be smart about it, and allow yourself plenty of time to study. |
Yes, that is indeed very
Yes, that is indeed very good advice. I don't plan on working too much so I can space out my classes, and I will be running so no varsity sports, so woot.
I can't wait to pick my classes though, :p |
Re: Yes, that is indeed very
I'd recommend doing it just to get the classes you want. There are thousands of 1st year students going for the exact same classes. Maybe that's another reason I went for early morning/late night classes: No one else wanted them. |
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