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GasSavers_JoeBob 10-04-2009 02:57 PM

"...If I had a rocket launcher..."

Or another of my favorite '80s songs...

Let's go

They like to get you in a compromising position
They like to get you there and smile in your face
They think, it's so cute when they got you in that condition
Well, I think that it is a total disgrace

And I say when I fight authority, authority always wins
When I fight authority, authority always wins
I been doing it, since I was a young kid and I've come out grinnin'
When I fight authority, authority always wins

Well, I call up my preacher and I say, "Gimme strength for round five"
He said, "You don't need strength, you need to grow up, son"
I said, "Growing up leads to growing old and then to dying
And dying to me don't sound like all that much fun"

And I say, when I fight authority, authority always wins
When I fight authority, authority always wins
I been doing it, since I was a young kid and I've come out grinnin'
When I fight authority, authority always wins

I said, oh, no, oh, no, oh, no
I fought the law and the law won
I fought the law and the law won
I fought the law and the law won
I fought the law and the law won

When I fight authority, authority always wins
When I fight authority, authority always wins
Well, I been doing it, since I was a young kid and I've come out grinnin'
When I fight authority, authority always wins

And I say, when I fight authority, authority always wins
When I fight authority, authority always wins
I been doing it, since I was a young kid and I've come out grinnin'
When I fight authority, authority always wins

theholycow 10-04-2009 03:56 PM

"I fought the law and the law won" always reminds me of "When I fight authority, authority always wins"...

GasSavers_JoeBob 10-04-2009 07:12 PM

IIRC, "I Fought the Law and the Law Won" was Mellencamp's inspiration for "The Authority Song".

OldCorolla 10-04-2009 08:51 PM

B-52s Rock Lobster :

We were at a party
His ear lobe fell in the deep
Someone reached in and grabbed it
It was a rock lobster

We were at the beach
Everybody had matching towels
Somebody went under a dock
And there they saw a rock
It wasn't a rock
It was a rock lobster

Motion in the ocean
His air hose broke
Lots of trouble
Lots of bubble
He was in a jam
S'in a giant clam

Down, down

Underneath the waves
Mermaids wavin'
Wavin' to mermen
Wavin' sea fans
Sea horses sailin'
Dolphins wailin'

Red snappers snappin'
Clam shells clappin'
Muscles flexin'
Flippers flippin'

Down, down

Let rock!

Boy's in bikinis
Girls in surfboards
Everybody's rockin'
Everybody's fruggin'
Twistin' 'round the fire
Havin' fun
Bakin' potatoes
Bakin' in the sun

Put on your noseguard
Put on the Lifeguard
Pass the tanning butter

Here comes a stingray
There goes a manta-ray
In walked a jelly fish
There goes a dog-fish
Chased by a cat-fish
In flew a sea robin
Watch out for that piranha
There goes a narwhale


Sorry I tried to get the video to post up like everyone else did , but I couldnt figure it out can someone help me out a little and learn me how?

theholycow 10-05-2009 02:43 AM

Word, Rock Lobster is great.

I've had Soulshine stuck in my head since yesterday afternoon...but that's not an '80s song.

Mayhim 10-05-2009 05:14 AM

Wet Dream
by Kip Adadda

It was the 41st of April, being a quadruple leap year.

I was driving through downtown Atlantis.

My Barracuda was in the shop, so I was in a rented Stingray, and it was overheating.

I pulled off into a Shell station.

They said I'd blown a seal.

I said, "Fix the damn thing and leave my private life out of it, okay pal?"

While they were doing that I walked over to a place called "The Oyster Bar" -- a real dive.

But I knew the owner -- he used to play for the Dolphins.

I said "Hi, Gil!" You have to yell, he's hard of herring.

Gil was also down on his luck.

Fact is, he was barely keeping his head below water.

I bellied up to the sandbar.

He poured me the usual -- Rusty snail, hold the grunnion, shaken, not stirred.

With a peanut-butter and jellyfish sandwich on the side -- heavy on the mako.

I slipped him a fin - on porpoise.

I was feelin' good. I even dropped a sand dollar in the box for Jerry's squids.

For the halibut.

Well, the place was crowded.

We were packed in like sardines.

They were all there to listen to the big band sounds of Tommy Dorsal.

What sole.

Tommy was rockin' the place with a very popular tuna, Salmon-chanted evening,

And the stage was surrounded by screaming groupers -- Probably there to see the bass player.

One of them was this cute little yellowtail, and she was giving me the eye.

So I figured this was my chance for a little fun.

You know, piece of pisces.

But she said things I just couldn't fathom.

She was too deep. Seemed to be under a lot of pressure.

Boy, could she drink. She drank like a- She drank a lot.

I said "What's your sign?" She said, "Aquarium."

I said, "Great! Let's get tanked!"

I invited her up to my place for a little midnight bait.

I said, "C'mon, baby, it'll only take a few minnows."

She threw me that same old line, "Not tonight. I've got a haddock."

And she wasn't kidding either, cause in came the biggest, meanest looking haddock I'd ever seen come down the pike.

He was covered with mussels.

He came over to me, he said "Listen, shrimp, don't you come trollin' around here."

What a crab. This guy was steamed. I could see the anchor in his eyes.

I turned to him, I said "A-balone. You're just bein' shellfish."

Well, I knew there was going to be trouble, and so did Gil, cause he was already on the phone to the cods.

The haddock hits me with a sucker punch.

I catch him with a left hook. He eels over.

It was a fluke, but there he was, lyin' on the deck, flat as a mackerel. Kelpless.

I said, "Forget the cods, Gil, this guy's gonna need a sturgeon."

Well, the yellowtail was impressed with the way I landed her boyfriend.

She came over to me, she said "Hey, big boy, you're really a game fish. What's your name?"

I said, "Marlin."

Well, from then on, we had a whale of a time. I took her to dinner. I took her to dance.

I bought her a bouquet of flounders. And then I went home with her.

And what did I get for my trouble?

A case of the clams.

dkjones96 10-05-2009 05:30 AM

Nothing gets stuck in my head better than a good rick roll.

bobc455 10-05-2009 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by Mr Incredible (Post 142588)
by Kip Adadda
It was the 41st of April, being a quadruple leap year.

Wow! Haven't heard that in forever... But I can still hear it in my head ("...through the gulf stream...")


theholycow 10-05-2009 09:06 AM

Better than the plain rick roll...this is a masterpiece, just a perfect mashup of Never Gonna Give You Up with Smells Like Teen Spirit:


Jay2TheRescue 10-05-2009 10:21 AM

Thanks HC, you've officially burned my brain out today.

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