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Jay2TheRescue 08-15-2009 02:54 PM

Well, in Logan's run any over 35 had to report in to "make room". W/ Obama anyone over 40 in questionable health would have to report to his "death panel" where they would decide if you are worth keeping alive.

EDIT: BTW, I haven't seen Logan's Run in years, but it is in my Netflix queue. I'll probably watch it again in the next month. My next movie is a Netflix Suggestion based on other movies I've rated. They somehow think I'd like "Zombie Strippers", and who am I to question that? There's Zombies, and there's Strippers. Two great things to have in a film. I just had to add it to my queue.

shatto 08-15-2009 03:07 PM

OMG. There IS a Zombie Strippers!

theholycow 08-15-2009 03:12 PM

Logan's Run is great.

Can you post a link to your source on the over 40 death panel issue?

shatto 08-15-2009 03:31 PM

Before politics, Ronald Reagan on Socialized Medicine:

This, and the links at the bottom of the page may help:

Here are the links:


National Socialism compared to Obama by New York Times

The links:


Jay2TheRescue 08-15-2009 03:41 PM

Shatto: If you like I'll send you a review of Zombie Strippers after I watch it.

I've seen the reference to the death panels in several articles I've read.


theclencher 08-15-2009 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by shatto (Post 139822)
The problem with 'breeders' is that they all seem to be the 'takers' in society.

:thumbup: No doubt!!!

They think they're doing everyone else such a huuuuuge favor by replicating, that we should shower them with subsidies for their great accomplishment. Oh, they should get extra income tax deductions! Oh, they should have property owners pay for schools! Oh, employers should let them go on the run whenever they want during the day and the non-parents in the office get to pick up the slack! :rolleyes:

FrugalFloyd 08-16-2009 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Jay2TheRescue (Post 139830)
W/ Obama anyone over 40 in questionable health would have to report to his "death panel" where they would decide if you are worth keeping alive.

??? What is a moderator doing injecting political lies into this thread? The "death panel" garbage is a blatant conservative/Big Pharma line of B.S.

GasSavers_RoadWarrior 08-16-2009 08:43 AM

Annnd the big problem with breeders is that they create the generation that will actually make your pension plan pay out... So, better plan on shoving it in the mattress instead.... or working your subsistence veggie garden when you're 90.

That problem is gonna become more obvious as the last of the boomers retire... population is going top heavy and there's less of us to generate the economic activity that keeps pension funds solvent. The boomers also have the QOL expectations of their parental generation, who got on the good side of the equation. Inconveniently they also won't die as quick.

Another inconvenience to national thought and pride, and political prudence, is that one of the ways to keep things loaded the right way here is to be real soft on immigration.... even illegal immigration...

I haven't prioritised my pension plan, because I've known for years it's not going to work, there will be no money left when I get there. Hopefully however, there will be some compensations, like the coming "retirement property" bubble is probably going to start bursting in about 15 years... I'll get something nice dirt cheap.

shatto 08-16-2009 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by SentraSE-R (Post 139889)
??? What is a moderator doing injecting political lies into this thread? The "death panel" garbage is a blatant conservative/Big Pharma line of B.S.

Old buddy and pal,
That basic information is in the published version of the plan put forth by The United States Congress, AKA, lawmakers.

bowtieguy 08-16-2009 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by SentraSE-R (Post 139889)
??? What is a moderator doing injecting political lies into this thread? The "death panel" garbage is a blatant conservative/Big Pharma line of B.S.

that statement is counterintuitive. the vast majority of healthcare costs are related to the elderly, many of whom "depend" on presciption drugs. do you really think that big pharm is willing to cut its own throat?

to suggest the conservative view is a lie is just nonsense. let's look at the possibilities...

the proposed plan is in fact closer to a single payer/provider than what is currently in place. and, we KNOW that the govt can't do ANYTHING efficiently. cuts WILL be made in ANY plan, be it for reasons of profit or lack of tax revenue.

now the facts: the majority of Americans are happy w/ their healthcare. i believe the poll would be near 100% if HMOs were eliminated as PPOs and the like are superior.

only about 5 million people REALLY lack needed healthcare if illegals and those that are offered coverage, but decline, are not counted.

now, do we need reform? absolutely, but i believe we need keep our current plan w/ changes made especially in regard to cost. HSAshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_savings_account could be implimented along w/ incentives such as smoke free, fitness club, low BMI(body mass index), etc lifestyles.

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