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GasSavers_JoeBob 02-07-2010 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by bobc455 (Post 130027)
Technologically it is possible, but quite awkward.

Here is a picture of an electric bus we have in Boston:


You can imagine several other problems that would go with highway usage however...

-Bob C.

We used to have these in LA back when I was little...

hydrokevin 02-11-2010 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by GasUser (Post 134541)
Isn't that called "mag-lev" or something like that. I think they have a train like that in Japan......or someplace. Can't remember now. I am having a "brain cramp"

There is a maglev super solar / hydrogen elevated rail train that is being promoted.


It's a bit futuristic but so is the discussion about electric cars being charged while on the highways.

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