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rvanengen 05-23-2007 06:38 AM

Wow...you will definitely see an improvement getting rid of that fixed fly swatter!! Even if you go with a flexible fan, you might see another couple mpg!

Also, with a good electric fan, you will be getting a fan shroud, which should help in warm weather when you are stopped or going pretty slow...and that might let you try some aggressive grille blocking!

With that motor, you even have the opportunity to convert it to an electric water pump and get rid of a few more ergs of energy being wasted.

I am getting ready to try the lawn edging idea for a front airdam...looks like you could easily try that too!

You have a cool car...keep it going!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

If money wasn't much of an issue, you could try doing a megasquirt fuel injection system and get a supermid! (I say that, and I am don't have the money either!) :D;)

Fourthbean 05-23-2007 09:48 AM

I am hoping to gain a couple MPG by losing the fan. I was considering yanking the thing off and watching my temps close but don't have a gauge on the dashboard. Just a dumb light. I put in a sensor at the top of the radiator where the water comes in but it doesn't ever get above 140-150 and that's if I run it hard and then turn the engine off and stop real fast.

Fly swatter, guess that's all it's usefull for at highway speeds! I am hoping that without the fan my engine will decelerate faster. Right now it takes ~5 seconds to spin down at 60MPH.

I like the megasquirt idea, especially since I am not sure how much longer my carb will last. This model of carb has a tendency to leak all over the place especially after being rebuilt. Had to find this one in a junkyard and haven't messed with it since (scared :) ).

Thing about megasquirt is the money. If I could do it for 150 total cost I think it would be worth it. But I don't expect much of a MPG gain from what I have read online. The data logging would be awesome though, and if I could get instant MPG readout I would be tickled.

Bill in Houston 05-23-2007 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Fourthbean (Post 52403)
I was considering yanking the thing off and watching my temps close

Ya, I was wondering about that too. That radiator looks huge, and the engine is relatively small, and you drive it nice and easy, so it seems like if you are moving forward at any speed at all, you should be okay... But I would be afraid to try it too...

rvanengen 05-23-2007 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Fourthbean (Post 52403)
I am hoping to gain a couple MPG by losing the fan. I was considering yanking the thing off and watching my temps close but don't have a gauge on the dashboard. Just a dumb light. I put in a sensor at the top of the radiator where the water comes in but it doesn't ever get above 140-150 and that's if I run it hard and then turn the engine off and stop real fast.

Fly swatter, guess that's all it's usefull for at highway speeds! I am hoping that without the fan my engine will decelerate faster. Right now it takes ~5 seconds to spin down at 60MPH.

I like the megasquirt idea, especially since I am not sure how much longer my carb will last. This model of carb has a tendency to leak all over the place especially after being rebuilt. Had to find this one in a junkyard and haven't messed with it since (scared :) ).

Thing about megasquirt is the money. If I could do it for 150 total cost I think it would be worth it. But I don't expect much of a MPG gain from what I have read online. The data logging would be awesome though, and if I could get instant MPG readout I would be tickled.

You should be able to do the MS system a bit cheaper than I can...I just looked and found a complete system (MS, FI parts, sensors, etc) for about $1500. Just keep in mind, I have a mechanical Bosch FI system on a Mercedes and would need 6 injectors if I wanted to keep my intake manifold.

Since you have a Chevy (and enough room to park my car under your hood) ;) ...you might even just go with a junkyard TBI system (may from an S-10??) and put the MS system as the controller. Then you could EASILY hook it up to a laptop, Palm or just get a SuperMID and fine tune your driving.

If you shopped it right, you could likely get the entire motor for $200, and that would give you most of your parts.

(Lucky Chevy Guys!):D

Just a thought. :)

Fourthbean 05-23-2007 12:01 PM

I would need to add a sensor for mesuring mileage also right? I wonder if the megasquirt program can handle the same type of thing the supermid can in terms of measuring mileage and getting MPG.

For 200 bucks I would consider it more. But it would still be quite a project.

Does anyone on this forum have a megasquirt on an older car that didn't have an ecu in the first place?

XFi 05-23-2007 02:25 PM

Filled up again...another 44mpg tank. Just removed my wipers and side mirror for my trip to MD tommorow. Need to get my belly pan on....

rvanengen 05-23-2007 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Fourthbean (Post 52432)
I would need to add a sensor for mesuring mileage also right? I wonder if the megasquirt program can handle the same type of thing the supermid can in terms of measuring mileage and getting MPG.

For 200 bucks I would consider it more. But it would still be quite a project.

Does anyone on this forum have a megasquirt on an older car that didn't have an ecu in the first place?

You are correct...it would be quite a project...but much less of one for you...you have a much simpler car and a lot less to remove or work around. I think I read on one of the FAQs that cars w/o ECUs are actually easier to install MS...don't have to worry about all the old wiring that may or may not be needed.

Just a quick look at their software, I think you would be well off to go with the SuperMID once the MS is installed and running.

Mike T 05-23-2007 07:06 PM

Scangauge gave me a 3.3 L/100 km today (3.2 in reality, as it is a little pessimistic), so roughly 73 US MPG. The top was open and the heated seat was on. It was windy too, a headwind both to and from work (d'oh!).

I was driving normally, at the speed limit. I love my car.

Fourthbean 05-23-2007 08:29 PM

I love your car too Mike :).

I just looked at the MegaSquirt tuning program. Lots of learning involved to tune a car! My carb is much easier, just a couple screws! lol

rvanengen 05-24-2007 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Fourthbean (Post 52572)
I love your car too Mike :).

I just looked at the MegaSquirt tuning program. Lots of learning involved to tune a car! My carb is much easier, just a couple screws! lol

:D ;) Yeah...and that is what I keep thinking..even my system doesn't look so complicated...although, it doesn't really allow much control either. I wonder if Holley or Edelbrock might have a simple FI system for your car, I know they do for V-8's. Or...as you have said...at most $200 for an expensive carb, a couple screws and you are done.;) I guess it just depends on the wallet and the geek factor, not to mention how long you want to keep it!

I would be really thinking about a smartcar for my commute if the idiots around here knew how to drive!

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