Well with the trex cam and 5k stall/3spd you really have no hope of getting better than maybe 12mpg in that car. If you were serious about getting better mileage out of that car you would at least go with a 4l80 trans with a lockup converter. That could get you back in the 20+mpg range since your car is mainly a nitrous car when the nitrous is off it should still get reasonable mileage.
I originally defended you thinking that you were actually serious about trying to improve your car's mileage. I used to hang around on ls1tech but gave it up when I realized there was a huge amount of idiot kids on that site that think they have the ultimate car and everyone should worship them for dumping massive amounts of money in a small block v8 to make it fast. If you can't handle people picking on you on a message board about mileage when you don't act like you seriously care about your car's mileage then you might need to grow up a bit more and come back here when you are more mature and ready to take it all in stride and use the knowledge you gain to actually improve your car. Once people see you are serious about getting better mileage they will actually help you as much as they can. If you only care about fast cars then all I have to say is my kit car will always be faster than your Camaro no matter what you do to it :) |
Hey, wait, I sorta like golf. Was he making fun of me?
Want to come over to my house and play? You'll stand no chance. And I'm quite the studmuffin. Well..not really. |
yeah i love golf!!! i also do competive shooting not to mention ice hockey but idk those are kinda you know homo.
Did anyone watch the US open this weekend? Good stuff.
Yeah, you definitely love the cock. |
Seeing as how this is a site based on getting the best mileage out of a car possible, who cares what the performance specs are on my kit car, I will update it's mileage information once it gets back on the road this summer though. I don't really discuss it or my Camaro or any of my other cars here since they normally are not used for getting good mileage. My Metro XFi is basically the only car I discuss here and it's specs are pretty impressive I think.
If you were serious about being a useful participant of this site you would have at least commented on the possibility of swapping in a 4l80 transmission to replace the th400 you are currently running. Like you said the car is down for a few months so swapping to a new trans would be a simple job while it is out of the car already. Also since the car is down for a few months you could tell us what car you are currently driving, length of your commute to work, %city/highway, and other information to help us guide you to get better mileage. |
If anything ill be swapping to a glide, or a 2.10 first geared th400. Im pretty sure ive seen the extent of the *******s on this site, i dont feel much like getting information from them anymore. |
Hybrid cars are GAY GAY GAY and you are GAY GAY GAY for driving one. Buy a ****ing hybrid lexus or some ****, not a futuristic looking shoebox on wheels with a lawnmower engine and a flashlight battery under the hood. I bet you like croquet too. |
hey guys, i just did my "NEW EPA OMG"
Guess what it was? Oh hey i dont give a ****! Ill pay an extra $20 a tank, just to avoid being called a man whos penis has been surgically removed, and replaced with a vagina. |
You got anything against homosexuals JUGRNAUT?
Unless it goes bottom 8's at 170mph or so, it wont be touching me anywhere near the quarter. Nice try, jackass. Stick to learning about fuel mileage. |
Yes, they are gay. |
A. You B. The rest of this board C. your dad |
You are a dumbass. |
But no, i dont "know", but thats the same thing as you "knowing" his car would beat mine. Hypocritical asshat. Ill take my small 370 and my big snail over an NA 500 cube motor anyday. He MIGHT make 600whp, depending on the setup if hes lucky. Through a manual. Ill be at 1000 through a three speed. with a suspension that hooks. Big difference. |
I believe thats where you said his car was faster. might want to go back and proofread, dumbass. and what the **** is a th425? |
NM on the tranny, i found it. Grandson of the tranny in my car. Similar though. So basically, hell be lucky to make 500 on motor. Even then, i doubt it. Not with that old school motor.
You insinuated you ignorant *****, you know what you did. |
i dont know why youre laughing, you just proved my point for me. you need an alzheimers check. |
Well... My Lightning was getting 9.2 mpg with a 2.3l Kenne Bell s/c and I just wasn't happy with mpg, so I upgraded to T76 turbo and gained 150 rear wheel horsepower and increased my FE 2.5 mpg.... Sweet... See I care about the environment unlike that jackass Jugrnaut....
glad to have you. |
So are you going to shut up and go home jugernaut. Stop lying you didn't come here for any advice. Your just a drama queen. The sooner you get banned the better.
I got a better idea why don't you come to my house to see how gay I am. |
Where's the Love?
I thought this was a site about learning to save gas hence "Gas Savers". I didn't think it was a site to judge people by their cars. If we were doing that what's the cut off? Anyone not driving a civic or smaller now? Whether someones driving a tank or a moped, saving fuel is gonna be good for all of us, and starting with horrible FE is just gonna make it easier to improve. At the same time, there is no point to add fuel to the fire, better to just let it burn out. |
Jugrnaut is a jerk... He needs a good kick in the ***... Jugrnaut, PM me ill kick ur ***
I can count a bunch of times I've thought, "I really should lock this thread", followed immediately by, "man! This is entertainment!"
It's amazing how a person can tie a sense of personal adequacy to a car, and how desperate things get when that's challenged/threatened in some way. |
For a while I found it entertaining... but jaugernuts is so lame, the fun is gone already. I found myself trying to get the stink off me for having tried to "converse" with he/she- embarrassing. He/she is the type of person that will go to the grave (likely prematurely) a moron, unless a life-threatening event intervenes.
This thread keeps getting stupider and stupider :)
So obviously he doesn't care about mileage he just came her to brag about his inefficient car that can't compete with my Metro XFi. Nobody here cares about speed we care about mileage so all I can say is go back over to ls1tech and brag about how cool you are cause you made fun of people who like cars that are different than yours and we can continue to make fun of you for being an immature kid. And a supra can make 1000hp and still run a 12 second 1/4 so power doesn't mean a lot at the track. I was making around 450hp before without nitrous and ran a 5.1 in the 1/8 so I figure with the new ported and polished heads 12:1 compression and a few other odds and ends I should have no problems with anything you can do to your car. Unless you go custom chassis with a decent motor like a shafiroff engine or something you are just showing your lack of experience in drag racing bragging about your sb chevy. I also vote for locking/deleting this thread.:D :D :D :D :D :D |
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