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GasSavers_TomO 09-23-2008 07:38 AM

Thrifty McGassaver

1994 VX Federal model 440K+ miles now on stock drivetrain
Front grill block 5"x5" opening, Partial (unfinished) belly pan, One piece headlights, foam sealant around hood, engine block heater, Sumitomo tires for summer with super light Enkei Conpe8 rims, and just added a Kammback this weekend.
Summer averages in the lower 50s and winter average upper 40s for mpg

cdnvxr 10-02-2008 09:54 AM

1994 White Canadian Honda Civic VX with AC, Passenger Mirror (I live 2 hr from the Factory in Alliston Ontario Canada and 3 hrs from where all the Metros and Geos were built)

I do not know about anyone else but my car has a SI cluster with a Tach which redlines at 7200 and does not have an upshift light but a Cruise Control Light which comes on as an shift light at the proper times for a VX

My 4dr EG built in Japan had the actual upshift arrow cluster but it never came on, it also had a NON-VTEC SOHC ZC in it. I kinda miss having a "fast" Honda vs. the VX

cdnvxr 10-02-2008 09:56 AM

Check you VINs to see where your Honda's were built

1 in the first digit means US built
2 in the first digit means Canadian built
J in the first digit means Japan Built
3 in the first digit means Mexico built (No Civic production there)

SCoupe 11-28-2008 08:11 AM

Stock 1992 VX California ecu converted to FED ecu and 5wire. 217k, second owner. Best mileage ~45mpg

Please tell us if you are able to meaningfully bump up the mpg on the '92VX mentioned in your posts. (perhaps a new thread as its o.t.).

Originally Posted by Darkelf (Post 119283)
Tymme's Cars

1995 VX- Fed ECU 189K Bone stock. (with a few very basic aero mods). Hi=63.7 mpg Lo=38 mpg avg's around 49mpg

1992 VX - Fed ECU 136K original (I *think*) Mostly stock. Hi=43mpg Currently tweaking/repairing for eventual sale.

92VX 11-28-2008 07:39 PM

'92 VX
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Drive a 100 miles a day during the week.

neverendz 12-01-2008 02:14 PM

'92 VX. Affectionately called "the Bubble". :cool:

V92hatchX 12-02-2008 06:55 AM

92 vx hatch
Akron Ohio

PDXChrisVX 03-02-2010 06:14 PM

In Portland, OR:

1992 vx 266k mi, with a/c; "bone stock" save aftermarket stereo head unit. 2nd owner. the "lil red wagon" aka "dog wagon" aka "solo mountain escape pod" mileage has gone down from 50 average 3 yrs ago to low/mid 40s average today. toyo 800 ultra 175/70/13 tires, but just ordered 165/70/13 sumitomos today to replace front tires.

1992 vx 196k mi, no a/c but aftermarket sunroof does the job in PacNW (and adds some daylight in the winter)...It also has a passenger mirror (was this an option from the dealer?) and aftermarket stereo with rear (homemade) deck and speakers. Toyo 800 Plus 175/70/13 tires.

gtstwincam 03-02-2010 09:07 PM

Any VX owners with speedometer problems?

GasSavers_viperguy 03-03-2010 10:06 AM

92 VX California model turned into Federal model, 319,XXX miles at the moment. Best MPG was 53MPG but I get mid 40s alot. I would say I average around 46-47MPG.

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