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michaelwoodcock 08-09-2008 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by cat0020 (Post 114019)
Lose some weight?

stay under 7000 rpm?

180 lbs with no fat to loose, so thats not an option. I will get sprockets to keep the RPM's down.

thanks for the replies guys. I am not new to tuning, just new to tuning for gas mileage. It already runs lean, I put a new exhaust on it, and it got a little better gas mileage after that. I am going to get the flush mount signals now, since I like the look of them over stock anyhow :)
here is my list today, of things I am getting and/or have already got:
chain lube(already have, will lube it up!)
flush mount signals(will order off ebay)

I am working on the other things, I will keep you guys updated when I get my results! thanks!!

toniportray 08-16-2008 04:49 PM

Changing the sprocket IS a good way to boost mpg's, but if your real goal is to save money, then some changes that result in boosted mpg's aren't going to offset the cost of making those changes. For instance, I don't think buying a new rear sprocket will make a big enough improvement in fuel economy to give a return greater than what you spent on the sprocket, but if you are due for a chain and sprocket change (always change them both at the same time, always), then definitely go for the "more economical" one.

sprale 09-27-2008 09:21 PM

The EX250 will take up to a 15th front sprocket. That combined with the 41th rear will allow you to keep the stock 520-106 chain size. It could go down to a 39th rear, but the chain would have to go down to a 520-104, I think.

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