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GasSavers_RoadWarrior 07-24-2008 05:01 AM

I've been looking in on his plans for years, hoping he'd base something on anything other than VW parts. Up here they're not so common as in the rust free south and west. So then when he's got some new designs they're based on Subaru parts, gah! Subaru's are also kind of rare around here, the nearest dealerships are a 2 hour drive away and there's none to pick over in the yards. Even the Subarus I see around are usually no more than 5 years old or so, so don't know if they even sold the older models anywhere round here. :rolleyes:

Snax 07-24-2008 07:19 AM

The XR-3 is based on a more generic mix of parts starting with a VW transaxle and Kubota diesel.

Frankly, I think there is so much diversity in the options for his design that it boggles the mind. Just look at the basic structure of it: A front suspension subframe and motor mounting that bolts up to steel box frame backbone. It is about as simple as it gets. Everything else can be mixed and matched to suit your needs or parts availability.

ihatemybike 07-24-2008 08:40 AM

I say pick your favorite little car and hack the front suspension/steering out, build the rest. Pretty sure you can use FWD parts without the drive train attached to it.

Snax 07-24-2008 08:48 AM

I think Peugoet's 20Cup is an excellent illustration of tadpole possibilities.

Basically you just find a front clip from your preferred econobox and fab up the rest from the firewall back.

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