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Silveredwings 11-29-2007 05:22 PM

automagic would be a total deal killer for me.

Danronian 11-29-2007 05:42 PM

FIT since it's a Honda which won't have stupid issues like most other car makers out there. Nissan especially.

smccall 11-29-2007 05:47 PM

Fit!!! Its a Honda. No explanation needed.

lovemysan 11-29-2007 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Danronian (Post 84392)
FIT since it's a Honda which won't have stupid issues like most other car makers out there. Nissan especially.

Umm, I wouldn't say honda is immune. I would chose the 5sp fit over an auto sentra.

cfg83 11-29-2007 06:25 PM

204snic -

Fit all the way. If you want the option to maximize MPG, the 5-speed makes it a no-brainer over the Sentra.


GasSavers_DaX 11-30-2007 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by lovemysan (Post 84395)
Umm, I wouldn't say honda is immune.

So true. Accords from the early 00's had (have?) hideous auto tranny problems.

204snic 12-01-2007 10:30 AM

Thanks all for the great responses. I did choose the Honda Fit. I drove both of them and the fit just feels so much more responsive (it must be a honda thing :D ) I looked at both the engine compartments and the Fit's engine is small vs the Sentra's. Fit only having 109hp vs. the Sentra's 129hp (something like that). I was surprised on how responsive the Fit handled w/the quick lane changed (don't worry there were no cars at the time).:thumbup: As far as adding the CC onto the Fit, the Manager that I spoke to said that it would take alot of parts to add it the Fit. He actually hasn't heard of anyone doing it to any of the DBW honda cars. Since it's a DBW system does that mean that I would need a new ecu, relay, steering wheel, to complete the setup? I may post this question on Hondatech also.

GasSavers_bobski 12-01-2007 07:58 PM

With a ECU controlled throttle body, it would certainly make sense to integrate the CC system into the ECU. It already has control over the TB and has sensor inputs for almost everything a cruise control module would need. The only additional items that come to mind are a CC main switch, set/coast, resume/accel and cancel buttons and a light or two in the gauge cluster.

slurp812 12-02-2007 06:02 AM

You would think drive-by-wire cars would have cruise by default. It would probably boil down to programing , and a set of buttons. :thumbup:


Originally Posted by 204snic (Post 84301)
Which car would you choose? I'll be trading my car in for either a 07' Honda Fit (base model, 5-spd, w/7.5K miles, $13.5) or an 06' Nissan Sentra SE (auto w/35kmiles, $11K). I like them both, but the fit (I think) would make a better FE car. The only down fall w/the FIT is that since it's a base model, there is no cruise. Can you put an aftermarket cruise on it w/it being a "Drive by Wire" setup? About the Sentra, I think that the price is good, but I've done some research about it and haven't really been satisfied w/what I'v read. Might go and drive the FIT tonight w/the wifey.:D (She's not big on it because of the style:rolleyes: ) lmk what you all think. Gotta make a decision very, very soon. Thanks.:)

204snic 12-04-2007 09:26 AM

That's exactly what I was thinking. That it would already be there. I just have to let it know that I can use it. :thumbup: I may need to source out a new steering wheel, because it looks like all the buttons to utilize cruise is on the steering wheel. Maybe another relay here and there. ?:rolleyes: If I do decide to persue this "mod" I make sure to let you all know. Well, definitely picking up the Fit tonight. (4-sure!!!:D ) Had some weird financing things going on, but it's a definite go tonight :thumbup: . I can't wait!:eek: I'm going to try to leave work early. ("It's OK, I just had subway!" :D ) Thanks again everyone. Moderator please close this thread. Thanks.:thumbup: :D

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