Only *if* the car is unoccupied by live persons! The crash cage that has been built into the structure is a good design , I really just wonder about occupant damage/survivability .
i bet you could survive a serious accident in that little thing. i mean really, when was the last time someone died in a formula car accident? i think it was in like 94 and he was going in the 190+ mph.
small cars can definitely be made very safe for US speed limits. |
Without a doubt on the safety on its structure ! I'd still like to see what damage occurs in a side impact similar to the frontal in the video .
If you tire of looking at that old video chestnut from Britain, and are interested in scientific testing of smart car passive safety, please take a close look at all of the videos in the following link: |
Kinda interesting ! Thanks Mike T .
Even though the crash cage is pretty much entirely entact, don't you need some crumple area? I mean if I'm i a box and hit a wall at 60mph, I'd rather have the box deform a bit to absorb the impact rather than have no deformation would be like a wall hitting a wall at 60?
Which other videos?
The smart car's framing was specifically designed to "absorb" front end impacts. I forget what they called it, but there the frame's focal point is right up front and is the strongest there....
70-0 instantly, it didnt do too bad |
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