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Nerds laugh at me 07-03-2007 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by brucepick (Post 61821)
A very short person's eyes.
Probly a future driver.

WAYYYYY off topic here.... but ...... I'm old and all, but isn't 'probably' spellled 'probably' instead of 'probly'.
I'm asking due to the fact that I have seen 'proly' or 'probly' used enough to question whether I am using the right word.

MnFocus 07-03-2007 02:42 PM

It's all the same/same but for grammatical correctitude you are assuredly spot on . At least I think you prolly are ;)

MnFocus 07-03-2007 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Dunlop (Post 61809)

Be careful backing up into a crowd of people...you could poke someone's eye out with that boat tail.

Oooh "Crowd Control" Hey You have a license for that Boat Tail ?

Nerds laugh at me 07-03-2007 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by MnFocus (Post 61866)
Oooh "Crowd Control" Hey You have a license for that Boat Tail ?

An upright license plate could be within the body of the car under an angled plexiglass window.
( I guess I should have done a picture of that too. )
The black extentions under the boat-tail would be essentially larger versions of what the Prius already has below the rear bumper. They clean up the airfow behind the rear tires and make the car look less like a terd :)

MnFocus 07-03-2007 06:31 PM

LOL ! Sorry N.l.a.m. ... kind of a stab at "gun control" Do you have a permit for that <sub weapon of mass destruction of choice here > . As a conceptual view the boat tail is fine without a license plate ;)

brucepick 07-03-2007 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Nerds laugh at me (Post 61864)
WAYYYYY off topic here.... but ...... I'm old and all, but isn't 'probably' spellled 'probably' instead of 'probly'.
I'm asking due to the fact that I have seen 'proly' or 'probly' used enough to question whether I am using the right word.

I do believe that you probably are correct in that "probably" is the correct spelling. :)
I indulged my temptation to use what seems to be developing into our vernacular.

I don't feel too bad about using "probly". I've also used "prolly". Personally, I draw the line at run on sentences and complete lack of punctuation. :eek: Posts containing such material occasionally get a rebuke from me.

basjoos 07-03-2007 07:13 PM

Technically, any sort of cover (clear, tinted, metal frame, or inside the back window) over a licence plate is illegal according to the local cops. Its one of those laws that isn't usually enforced (except when a bored town cop wants an excuse to pull me over so he can satisfy his curiousity about my funny looking car).

A well designed boattail can provide a lot of extra cargo area inside the boattail, especially in a small car like the Insight. That Insight boattail as depicted could be shortened about a foot without increasing drag.

MnFocus 07-03-2007 07:55 PM

You're telling me ? Even clear plate cover sold at *every* auto shop across the state are illegal . (It's not cheaper to just pay the fine either )

MnFocus 07-03-2007 08:15 PM

Just like switchblades ...legal to sell but the purchaser must not put it in the pocket ...then its a deadly weapon ! Yes by state statute we are "free" .
That plastic cover *may* prevent any occifer o' tha law from readin it .'specially if snow or dirt covers the plastic , let alone snow and dirt sticks better to the actual license plate much better ...

red91sit 07-04-2007 09:08 AM

I honestly dont' mind switch blades being illegal, No real use for such things is there?

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