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rvanengen 06-14-2007 06:00 PM

From https://www.befreetech.com/save_gas.htm

No Exhaust!
It's been learned that when running on plasma fuel, the exhaust can be sent back to the intake and the engine will run in a closed loop without any exhaust!
Doesn't this mean evenutally the motor will start to expand like a balloon or that you will not be able to inject more fuel into it?;) :rolleyes: :eek:

Matt Timion 06-14-2007 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by rvanengen (Post 58173)
Doesn't this mean evenutally the motor will start to expand like a balloon or that you will not be able to inject more fuel into it?;) :rolleyes: :eek:

you're forgetting about the small transporter that transports the exhaust to the sun. For $1000 you're really getting your money's worth :)

zpiloto 06-14-2007 07:14 PM

I was looking at the install instructions for one of the devices on the site and the special mixture is 1/3 acetone, 1/3 Xyleen?/ and 1/3 there secret ingredient.

Silveredwings 06-15-2007 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 58184)
If stupid shizz like the neocon agenda can be sold to people, ANYTHING can be sold to people.

Oh, I thought 'neocon' was Latin for "just shut your cake hole and believe your leaders."

Matt Timion 06-15-2007 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by zpiloto (Post 58204)
I was looking at the install instructions for one of the devices on the site and the special mixture is 1/3 acetone, 1/3 Xyleen?/ and 1/3 there secret ingredient.

Damn... first KFC with their secret recipe, and now these guys.

OdieTurbo 06-15-2007 05:29 AM

Using ABA testing over a 1.4 mile closed course indoor track I conducted the following tests using TANG as an additive.

Test 1 - No TANG - 1.4 miles, .0214 gallons, yeilds 65.42 MPG.
Test 2 - TANG added - 1.4 miles, .0209 gallons, yeilds 66.99 MPG
Test 3 - No TANG - 1.4 miles, .0215 gallons, yeilds 65.11 MPG

A 2.4% increase in fuel efficiency with TANG added!

(please note: TANG was added to the driver, not the fuel tank.)

Matt Timion 06-15-2007 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by OdieTurbo (Post 58303)
Using ABA testing over a 1.4 mile closed course indoor track I conducted the following tests using TANG as an additive.

Test 1 - No TANG - 1.4 miles, .0214 gallons, yeilds 65.42 MPG.
Test 2 - TANG added - 1.4 miles, .0209 gallons, yeilds 66.99 MPG
Test 3 - No TANG - 1.4 miles, .0215 gallons, yeilds 65.11 MPG

A 2.4% increase in fuel efficiency with TANG added!

(please note: TANG was added to the driver, not the fuel tank.)

LOL... Those astronauts really know what they're doing, eh?

slurp812 06-15-2007 06:14 AM

quote from that page:

" No Exhaust!
It's been learned that when running on plasma fuel, the exhaust can be sent back to the intake and the engine will run in a closed loop without any exhaust!"

Try that with a human being, LOL!

I, being a natural skeptic, say no way. No effing way.

esobofh 06-15-2007 09:13 AM

Oh man.. amazing how such a small device can violate so many laws of physics hahahah what a crock.

GasSavers_foxhound 04-01-2008 11:34 AM

JeffOtto.com LTD's challenge to any of these so-called critics:
Put your money where your mouth is! $5,000 cash to be exact and we will do the same.

They provide a suitable shop at their chosen continental US location and we will provide a vehicle to be modified (a scientific before & after mileage check will be performed both before and after).
We will announce the date and location to give anyone that would like to witness the event adequate prior notice and it will be video taped.
They are also welcome to announce the event and have any of their experts present to test/examine the pre & post HAFC equipped vehicle.
If their experts can find anything bogus like a false tank, or whatever, they can announce that to the world as they see fit.
When they do discover the technology works exactly as we claim, they can than repent by issuing a public apology and remove any negative comments they have posted anywhere.
Obviously the winner will keep the losers $5,000!

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