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JanGeo 01-09-2007 02:18 PM

Radioactive might bring a hazmat team . . .

Silveredwings 01-09-2007 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by JanGeo
Radioactive might bring a hazmat team . . .

...if not your local Homeland Security nazi.

GasSavers_brick 01-09-2007 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Silveredwings
...if not your local Homeland Security nazi.

I was kinda thinking this too. I used to think that it would be funny to put a radiation sign on the back of the Prius but the joke might wear off in the even that I wreck and the fire department takes the sign seriously. Probably best to keep away from things that could draw the wrong kind of attention in the wrong circumstances.

lindermant 01-09-2007 08:09 PM

why not just slap one of these on and call it good...


rh77 01-09-2007 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by cfg83
Hello -

In LA I would play the sympathy card instead. Something like "Can't drive faster, only have 3 working cylinders". If/when the cop pulls me over, I would tell them the truth and hope for mercy (ha ha ha ha!!!!).


Better yet (for me): "Caution: The driver is only working on 3-cylinders!"

I too get nervous about people riding my arse, but they just later pass and all is forgotten (that is until I coast up to them at the next light :cool: )


jwxr7 01-10-2007 07:48 AM


Fuel Economy Experiment In Progress, Please stay back!
excellent idea! I've been thinking about something like that since I've slowed my speeds down on the highway. I was thinking something like "save gas, slow down", but your's is much better. Your's doesn't encourage others to do the same, which may enrage some drivers.

cfg83 01-10-2007 09:08 AM

Hello -

I was also thinking about a "positive" version :

Follow me for great MPG!

Obviously, you are encouraging people to follow you. The grumpy ones would still bypass you, but your "initial virtual contact" with them would be in the vein of "let me help you".

Here is what I currently do :


The letters are not in the GasSavers font because they are reflective (bought 'em in a 99 cent store).
The "A" is a WW II mileage ration. The little toys are probably distracting/disarming too.


GasSavers_Jack 01-10-2007 10:19 AM

Yikes... We the anti- this one.


jwxr7 01-10-2007 10:34 AM

Or how about a real time display of the cars mpg on an LED matrix in the back window. Then people may understand the benefits of slowing down.

GasSavers_Ryland 01-10-2007 11:26 AM

I haven't been able to find the one I first saw for motorcycles, there is a compeny that makes signs that bolt on above or below your lisence plate that come in "40mpg" "50mpg" and "60mpg" I think they might have said "and having more fun then you" or something like that.
but mpgstick.com sells them from 30+ to 80+ mpg as bumper stickers.https://www.mpgstick.com/50.jpg

CafePress also has mpg stickers ranging from


up to


in 1mpg incriments

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