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omgwtfbyobbq 01-04-2007 02:35 PM

Yesh, very much so with the road rage. I get people backing up behind me, riding my ***, and generally getting pissed because I'm doing 45 in a 55 residential area. I'll coast at 55 and have people pass me up going 75, it's just nuts. And this is a street with houses on it...

MetroMPG 01-04-2007 02:48 PM

I haven't been road raged for a long time. But I live in a small city (less traffic), when I drive, I do it in off peak times, and generally avoid the busy roads anyway.

Hockey4mnhs 01-04-2007 04:17 PM

No road rage here 840 people where i live:D

zpiloto 01-04-2007 04:29 PM

I'll never do it. I agree with Hobbit in the article:p

Silveredwings 01-04-2007 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by omgwtfbyobbq
Yesh, very much so with the road rage. I get people backing up behind me, riding my ***, and generally getting pissed because I'm doing 45 in a 55 residential area. I'll coast at 55 and have people pass me up going 75, it's just nuts. And this is a street with houses on it...

Yeah, around Eastern MA, I've been road raged for going 45 in a 40 zone by the hyperswine in SUVs. They never figure out that the closer they get, the slower I go. No, not to piss them off, but since I have them on my tail, I have to allow more stopping distance for the 4,000+ lb additional iron behind me. :rolleyes:

MetroMPG 01-04-2007 04:42 PM

Your defensive strategy makes a former driving instructor proud.

86Celica 01-05-2007 05:21 AM

I read once on this forum "You'd be surprised how important it is to people to speed up to a red light, then slam the brakes" (or something along those lines). Brilliant. Sums it all up.

Great article, inspirational. Gassavers and hypermilers have an educational task. I often cycle in Brussels, so I'm used to educating other road users about their behaviour. Having the gassavers.org sticker on the rear of your vehicle can perhaps help, as it "explains" your driving.

I have so far always used another parking technique: the "minimal dent spot". Living in Europe, with its tiny cars but even tinier parking spaces, I tend to choose the spot where there is the least chance of others parked next to me to slam their doors into my car. But I might now adopt the "face out" technique, since my 20-year old Celica is looking more and more battered (though more and more aerodynamic).

smithenhiven 01-05-2007 06:30 AM

That article was great. Where can I get a aftermarket FCD for my 92 Accord?

MetroMPG 01-05-2007 06:37 AM

Search for "SuperMID" on this site, or contact Yoshi.

diamondlarry 01-05-2007 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Silveredwings
Yeah, around Eastern MA, I've been road raged for going 45 in a 40 zone by the hyperswine in SUVs. They never figure out that the closer they get, the slower I go. No, not to piss them off, but since I have them on my tail, I have to allow more stopping distance for the 4,000+ lb additional iron behind me. :rolleyes:

I agree totally!:thumbup: Pissing them of is just a bonus benefit.:p

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