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GasSavers_Ryland 11-11-2006 02:27 PM

about two months back they found what they figured to be about 6 months suply of oil in the gulf of mexico, I think that is where it was, shortly after that the price of gas droped, so I figure some time around March or so the price is going to start going up again, but untill then I think it's going to stay pretty stable, maybe going up by about 10 cents, and droping at times, by as much as 5 cents, but not much more untill around March when it starts to clime again as people start to drive more in the spring, and oil suplys start to drop off again, we are after all at the peek, and the main reason that I see it that we are still priced so low is that we are spending so much money on the military, insted of everything else that our tax dollars were ment to be spent on.

LxMike 11-11-2006 02:35 PM

I played it a lil conservative and picked 2.4-2.6 range. i see $3 a gallon in 2007.

GasSavers_roadrunner 11-11-2006 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by theclencher
Seriously, there is a lot of non-essential, non-commuting farting around on the roads. A LOT. It's so cheap to do most people don't give it a second thought.

I AGREE WITH YOU 100%. So much of the non-essential is done in SUVs with just a driver. In the USA we waste so much fuel, and will we ever change? :cool:

Peakster 11-11-2006 04:38 PM

I find that gas prices are actually at their lowest on New Year's Day. Regina SK, Canada's gas price right now (according to www.reginagasprices.com) is around $2.80US$/USgallon, so I voted $2.81 - $3.00.

I filled up my Geo yesterday for $19.83 Canadian currency and got 6.37 US gallons. The price was $0.819 per litre. 81.9 cents X 0.88 (exchange rate) = 72.1 US cents per litre. 3.8 litres in a gallon means that the cheapest place in Regina sells gas for $2.74/US gallon. The most expensive (and most common) price would be $3.00/US gallon.

GasSavers_roadrunner 11-11-2006 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by theclencher
I don't have any confidence in the people as a whole to recognize the big picture for what it is. The only way people will change their ways is after it hits them in the pocketbook HARD ENOUGH to deprive them of some other frivolous thing.


A small % of us care about MPG and the environment, but a large % of our population does NOT CARE. I am not hopeful that things will change.

rh77 11-11-2006 05:38 PM

Yellow Pages Theory
I remember commercials for the Yellow Pages (when there was 1, not 20), where they advertised, "Save gas and time by calling ahead. Instead of driving from store-to-store, call first to see if they have what you need!"

It makes sense -- plan your routes.

But I will admit, I frivolously drive sometimes. Being a car-guy, there's something to hopping in the car and going for a drive -- it's therapeutic. Of course, I try to hypermile but it is using fuel nevertheless :(

My 2-pence is that even though we're the minority, doesn't mean we can't make a difference. It's like politics: you have the GasSavers, the Guzzlers, and those on the fence. Inspire the indecisive or the apathetic. Get the swing vote for our side. It's a grassroots idea.


cfg83 11-12-2006 11:26 AM



Originally Posted by theclencher
I don't have any confidence in the people as a whole to recognize the big picture for what it is. The only way people will change their ways is after it hits them in the pocketbook HARD ENOUGH to deprive them of some other frivolous thing.

I do it too. I consider my life too messy to be able to do things any other way, though. My week is always a mess. If we have gas lines as long as the early 1970's, then suddenly the government and car companies will come up with "magic legislation" to increase fleet FE. This will mean just doing what they already do in Japan and Europe. I would love to use a bus or train, but the extra commute time would add up to 2 more hours lost in the day, and I don't feel comfortable using a computer to make the lost time usefull because of risk of theft.

The analogy I always use is that for the most part, people are "stomach driven", another way of saying that they don't think too much beyond their own satisfaction. To think beyond oneself is a much harder thing because it means sacrificing. A good parent learns to do this firsthand when they have a kid, but extrapolating that sentiment to all people is a harder thing to do.


smartzuuk 11-12-2006 02:44 PM

$4.00 *might* get people to consider changing their habits, $5.00 *might* actually cause some habits to change for the long term.

thisisntjared 11-12-2006 03:19 PM

man this thread needs a spell checker:P

onegammyleg 11-12-2006 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by thisisntjared
man this thread needs a spell checker:P

Is that your perdiction ?

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