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psyshack 10-25-2006 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG
That's funny.

Too bad about the car. But it is, after all, just a car. (Is that heresy?) ;)


Silveredwings 10-25-2006 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by 90CivicStandard
I actually think that new cars are magnetic...

Seriously. Within a week of buying our new xB, my wife got rear ended. Then a week and a half after that we walked out to the car after dinner and found that one of the tail lights was busted out. Then only a few weeks after that a rock flew up and made a huge crack in the windshield... then there are the numerous door dings we now have and the two dents where someone rammed it with a shopping cart.


And my $500 civic doesn't have a scratch on it. Go figure.

Wow, that's awful. It's downright evil I tell ya...

Silveredwings 10-25-2006 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by JanGeo
It's the SHINY FACTOR it draws people to the new car and they get hypnotized by the shiny until they HIT IT BAM!!!

I think maybe you hit the nail right on the thumb! :D

psyshack 10-25-2006 05:41 PM

Sorry about the car. :(

I take it real hard when cars get torn up. Im still so mad at my wife for tearing up the Accords bumper cover cause she stuck her head up her a$$,,, Im really thinking about leaving her. She has messed up every darn car shes ever driven. Hell I can replace a wife easier than a car. And to think she wanted to drive my Civic just days before she ripped up the rear end on hers.

I dont see the engineering or think look that car did its job. I think,, well yet another stupid human trick when I see wrecked cars.

The thought of my Civic being in a real wreck is scary as hell. With Hondas ACE engineering. I know my car will either xplode or implode if i hit anything. Or anything hits me. The car has enough air bags Im certin if they all went off at the same time it would shred its self.

Im really sorry about your new car. Sounds like you went out of your way to make a good purchase on a soild car in near new condition.

Now if I could figure out how to get the lawyers after my wife for jacking up our Accord and get her lic. revoked. She really dosent need to be driving..

Silveredwings 10-25-2006 06:16 PM

Image just added (as edit to original post):

Silveredwings 10-25-2006 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by psyshack
Sorry about the car. :(



Originally Posted by psyshack
I take it real hard when cars get torn up. Im still so mad at my wife for tearing up the Accords bumper cover cause she stuck her head up her a$$,,, Im really thinking about leaving her. She has messed up every darn car shes ever driven. Hell I can replace a wife easier than a car. And to think she wanted to drive my Civic just days before she ripped up the rear end on hers.

I dont see the engineering or think look that car did its job. I think,, well yet another stupid human trick when I see wrecked cars.

The thought of my Civic being in a real wreck is scary as hell. With Hondas ACE engineering. I know my car will either xplode or implode if i hit anything. Or anything hits me. The car has enough air bags Im certin if they all went off at the same time it would shred its self.

Im really sorry about your new car. Sounds like you went out of your way to make a good purchase on a soild car in near new condition.

Now if I could figure out how to get the lawyers after my wife for jacking up our Accord and get her lic. revoked. She really dosent need to be driving..

Wow, that sounds very upsetting. Maybe she needs to drive older cars (they're sometimes cheaper to insure and repair, you may even drop collision coverage, minor dings don't seem to matter, the proportional depreciation per accident is much lower, and in general there is less to worry about). Maybe preemptively limit your losses somehow. I don't know, it's just a thought.

JanGeo 10-25-2006 06:37 PM

Naa get her one with the old 5mph bumpers like my old 1980 rabbit they were telescopic shock absorbing bumpers.

cfg83 10-25-2006 07:35 PM

Silveredwings -


Originally Posted by Silveredwings
Image just added (as edit to original post):
... picture of crunched Bimmer Wagon ...

Youch! It looks close enough to have done even worse damage to your rear axle. How did the rear wheels check out? Are they still aligned?


GasSavers_brick 10-26-2006 05:02 AM

My philosophy is not to worry to much about damage unless it affects the integrity of the car. Little door dings, no big deal. The mysterious scrape in my plastic bumper cover, also no big deal. Even a little paint scratch or chip that doesn't go through the primer, no big deal. But I draw the line at anything that exposes bare metal or otherwise impacts the lifespan of the vehicle. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it does have to last!

Silveredwings 10-26-2006 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by cfg83
Silveredwings -

Youch! It looks close enough to have done even worse damage to your rear axle. How did the rear wheels check out? Are they still aligned?


Yeah, the rear wheel is damaged but has no noticable vibration. Most of the collision force was absorbed by the door/quarter panel area. Still, I will definitely change out that wheel and have the CV joints and suspension checked by BMW. They never shy away from replacing expensive parts.

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