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kickflipjr 08-23-2006 05:51 PM

Well I have lots left over. I will use it when I start driving 90-100% highway in a few days.

MetroMPG 08-24-2006 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by JanGeo
It matters that [...] you drive to save otherwise you dont' get an improvement

I'm calling bull on that one!

JanGeo 08-24-2006 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG
I'm calling bull on that one!

Hey I get 32mpg if I drive 80 on the highway with acetone - it doesn't help when you are burning it at 2.5 gallons an hour - it helps when you are burning 0.3 to 0.5 gallons per hour by making the injectors work better at low volume operation when they usually don't atomize the fuel properly.

zpiloto 08-24-2006 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by ZugyNA
3 oz per 10 G...'87 300ZX na...around a 20% gain...but some part of this was due to easier driving.

So how much would you quantify to easier driving and have you stopped using it since driving easier to see what increase you had?

jamescartagena 08-24-2006 12:19 PM

I use it for all three vehicles.

97 Ford F150 - 3 oz/10 gal
92 Saturn SL1 - Currently testing 3 oz/10 gal
03 Honda Odyssey - 2 oz/ 10 gal

All get about a 10% increase of fuel economy. I've started using it last year and have run through 2 1/2 gallons of it so far. Anyone who says it will hurt your engine I think either hasn't tried it or is listening to someone else. My truck has used most of the two gallons as I drove it the most until I got the Saturn. The wife drives the Honda so I put in acetone about every other tankful when I get around to it. All get a noticable increase in power as well. In my truck feels the most noticable, and the exhaust pipe no longer has any black soot in it. I wouldn't drive without it even if it didn't increase my mileage because the increase in power is that noticable to me.

SVOboy 08-24-2006 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by JanGeo
It matters that you got some good acetone and that you drive to save otherwise you dont' get an improvement - it allows you to get even better gas mileage with it that without it - it doesn't give you better gas mileage it allows you to get better mileage. I couldn't get past 46mpg until I used it now I get 50-55mpg.

This goes against the theory of acetone. If it does indeed aid vaporization so greatly it won't matter how you drive, because your fuel will get "burnt more completely" anyway.

zpiloto 08-24-2006 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by JanGeo
Hey I get 32mpg if I drive 80 on the highway with acetone - it doesn't help when you are burning it at 2.5 gallons an hour - it helps when you are burning 0.3 to 0.5 gallons per hour by making the injectors work better at low volume operation when they usually don't atomize the fuel properly.

I thought that the fuel pump provided the same amount of fuel pressure to the injectors no matter what the engine rpm is. The only difference would be the amount of pulsing that is requried to meet the fuel demand. Since the pressure is constant the amount of atomization would be the same, just less pulses.

Ted Hart 09-01-2006 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by scostanz
I used it for a little more than a month last year which translates into about a 1000 miles and didn't see any change in FE before, during or after using the stuff.

-- Scott

Give a man a fish...and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish...and he will tell fish stories for the rest of his life!:D

JanGeo 09-01-2006 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by zpiloto
I thought that the fuel pump provided the same amount of fuel pressure to the injectors no matter what the engine rpm is. The only difference would be the amount of pulsing that is requried to meet the fuel demand. Since the pressure is constant the amount of atomization would be the same, just less pulses.

Yeah and the duration of the injector spray is varied to vary the amount of fuel injected but the spray during valve opening and closing during short pulses is not as good as when they run wide open. There is also fuel flow variations when the flow changes which effectively varies the pressure slightly.

Saw an intesting bit of info on Synlube site today apparently 1 gallon of gas requires 10,000 gallons of air to burn 14.7 to 1 ratio - that translates to a lot of air!

CoyoteX 09-01-2006 09:20 PM

I ran acetone for 4 months straight 3oz/10 gal ratio. My mpg did increase over 3 tanks 2-3mpg. I used up the small amount I had and never bothered getting any more after I ran out. The mpg never went down from not using it over the next 10 or so tanks of gas. I would say the acetone is a good injector and fuel system cleaner so it can help clean out the system and get it running properly. But once the fuel system is clean it doesn't help improve mileage over that. So I plan on picking up another quart of acetone and using it occasionally to help keep the fuel system clean but other than that I don't see it helping much.

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