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budomove 06-07-2006 06:18 PM

I have a 91 civic hatch std (stock).

If I were to remove the alternator belt, how long would it take to drain an average healthy battery?

How often would I need to reconnect the alternator belt, or charge the batery?

I would be willing to run a test if it weren't to big of a pain.

I guess I could just permanently leave the belt off, and use a plug in charger...assuming the battery stays charged long enough for this mod to be a practical option.

MetroMPG 06-07-2006 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by budomove
If I were to remove the alternator belt, how long would it take to drain an average healthy battery?

Depends on your battery, your electrical loads, and temperatures (batteries don't like very hot or very cold - performance is relative). Only way to tell is to monitor it.

I drove 50 km with *minimal* electrical loads on a pleasantly warm day and calculated I used about 25% of my battery's capacity. see reply #24:


How often would I need to reconnect the alternator belt, or charge the batery?
See above :)

Also note that just reconnecting the belt to charge your battery erases the benefit of driving with the belt off. You may actually get WORSE mileage if you do that. The only advantage to be gained is if you recharge your battery from an external source (I've been using a solar panel).

Also note: the fastest way to destroy a starting battery is to discharge it deeply & repeatedly. You really need a deep-cycle battery to do this mod properly.

budomove 06-07-2006 06:56 PM

Metro, This solar panel, could it be permanently mounted on the car?

How big is it, $?

Compaq888 06-07-2006 07:01 PM

where can I get a solar panel good enough so I can remove my alternator?

budomove 06-07-2006 07:11 PM


budomove 06-07-2006 07:16 PM

check out the one with the cigarette lighter option. You could leave it inside the car to constantly charge, right guys? https://www.siliconsolar.com/automoti...y-chargers.php

MetroMPG 06-07-2006 07:19 PM

If you drive a normal amount, it will cost you a lot of money to get enough panels to keep your battery topped up

budomove 06-07-2006 07:21 PM

"Connect to battery when the car is parked, Simply Built-in LED indicator will light up during charging plugs into cigarette lighter, Suction cups for easy mounting"
  • Weight: 1lb
  • Dimensions: 12" x 4" x .75"
  • 13v @ 200-250mA
$24.95 !!!!!!!!!

*But can it be used while driving, or can any of them? That would allow us

to drive as long as we want, a definite plus!

Compaq888 06-07-2006 07:22 PM

too bad regular cars don't come with regenarative braking. That way it can charge the battery and run all accesories. it would probably improve 3-5mpg.

budomove 06-07-2006 07:26 PM

[quote=budomove13v @ 200-250mA[/quote]

So this would be really bad, huh?

Looks like less than a 1/4 amp, right?

Can you leave them hooked up while you drive?

If so, how many amps you think you'd need under the most stressful driving to ensure the battery didn't die?

This would be with a deep cycle battery of course.

How much do they cost?

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