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Draigflag 04-14-2017 12:50 AM

No thanks Doug, weapons are for cowards. The only weapon man needs is his voice ;)

Back on topic, does anyone play the Fallout games? The most recent one set in
Massachusetts 200 years in the future, you have to battle your way through a post Nuclear war. The world is huge, it's pretty epic.

ChewChewTrain 04-14-2017 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by Draigflag (Post 194215)
No thanks Doug, weapons are for cowards. The only weapon man needs is his voice ;)

That's EXACTLY what ISIS wants you to believe (plus, your future American wife, who will divorce you and take everything you own, INCLUDING that nice, red car, away).

Draigflag 04-14-2017 05:11 AM

You have an obsession with ISIS don't you Doug? I'd be more worried about Asteroids, as the chances of being killed by an asteroid in the US are higher than being killed by a jihadi immigrant ;)

LDB 04-14-2017 05:36 AM

How does one's voice solve the problem of a home invasion or any number of other potentially violent crimes being committed against them? Guns are for cowards is a silly thing to say, silly being the keeping it friendly filler.

Draigflag 04-14-2017 06:19 AM

Bah I was worried this topic would creep up again. Most of the other 95% of the World's population don't need to murder thieves, not sure why you guys feel you need to ;)

ChewChewTrain 04-14-2017 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Draigflag (Post 194218)
You have an obsession with ISIS don't you Doug? I'd be more worried about Asteroids, as the chances of being killed by an asteroid in the US are higher than being killed by a jihadi immigrant ;)

Asteroids are now controlled by ISIS?! :(

Draigflag 04-14-2017 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by ChewChewTrain (Post 194221)
Asteroids are now controlled by ISIS?! :(

Yes, I hope Trump can stretch a super strong net from each side of his famous wall, that will keep them out :D

LDB 04-14-2017 03:41 PM

The point isn't to murder a thief. The point is when they come in ready, willing, and eager to use a gun on you. And newsflash, criminals don't obey the law so even if you outlaw (insert any inanimate object name here) the criminals will still have them.

Draigflag 04-14-2017 04:28 PM

I respect your points, I would try to agree if there was any evidence to back that up, but there simply isn't. It's been proven hundreds and hundreds of times. There are some interesting facts about it here,
10 Pro-Gun Myths, Shot Down | Mother Jones

LDB 04-14-2017 07:39 PM

Lots of questionable points by a very anti-gun group.

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