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projektdotnet 06-15-2014 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by andyrobo (Post 176678)
Armond is working on the integration already but we can't provide an ETA at this time. We are deep into resolving issues related to the major backend upgrade that took place last week. Once the dust settles we'll be able to focus on the smart phone apps (we have a little team). We had to get this backend upgrade done before we could entertain any syncing with the apps so it had to be done first. Ideally we can have some type of aCar integration done by this fall but that's not a date that you can count on as it could change.

Awesome, I guess I'll do it the old fashioned way for now, glad to know that the update is planned. If I was a better dev I'd offer to help but I'm not all that great yet.

iced98lx 06-17-2014 11:36 AM

Can't wait for this, very excited!

fudgy 06-18-2014 11:26 AM

Using Samsung Galaxy S5. no option to input decimal place. Is this something specific to this app/phone combination or have others noted this?

RobertV 06-18-2014 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by fudgy (Post 176859)
Using Samsung Galaxy S5. no option to input decimal place. Is this something specific to this app/phone combination or have others noted this?

Please take a look at this Sticky:

24601 08-25-2014 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by andyrobo (Post 176678)
Armond is working on the integration already but we can't provide an ETA at this time. We are deep into resolving issues related to the major backend upgrade that took place last week. Once the dust settles we'll be able to focus on the smart phone apps (we have a little team). We had to get this backend upgrade done before we could entertain any syncing with the apps so it had to be done first. Ideally we can have some type of aCar integration done by this fall but that's not a date that you can count on as it could change.

Any updates?

andyrobo 08-26-2014 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by 24601 (Post 178675)
Any updates?

No official date can be provided because we don't want to set a date, miss it and have disappointed drivers. We are working on everything as diligently as possible and still hope to get a new version out (that's integrated) later this year. Here is an overview of what we have been working on so you can see all the little things that need to be handled before so we can connect all the dots.

1) We launched our new backend platform in mid-June. We spent a couple months getting settled, squashing bugs and have now started work on new end points for our API. aCar and GasCubby both allow drivers to capture more data then Fuelly did so we have to build out our backend systems to handle these data points and then make sure the API is working just perfectly so the apps can work through them.

2) We launch a new version of the GasTracker+ app for iOS which has provided a lot of data which has helped us identify various issues. We have been removing bugs and working to develop the app so it can be the foundation for final iOS app which we hope to launch in beta next month.

3) Armond has been working to prepare aCar to sync with Fuelly via our APIs in preparation for a future release that will sync. We are also working on UI enhancements to give aCar a more modern and polished look that will more closely resemble our iOS app as well. It's our goal that users will be able to switch from iOS & Android without having to learn a while new setup, we want the apps to function similarly when possible. We plan to evolve the products slowly so it will take many releases before they are nearly identical.

Armond and his wife also welcomed their first child into their family a few weeks ago so we've encouraged him to take as much time as needed to enjoy this special time in their lives. The funny thing is he's still finding time to work between diaper changes and all the other new duties he's got. I guess that's a big benefit of working from home!

I know it can be frustrating as an end user to not see tangible changes but please keep in mind we are doing a LOT of work behind the scenes. This will enable us to get in a position so we can iterate more quickly in the future and publish updates on a more regular basis.

24601 08-28-2014 06:39 AM

Coming from a database/application development background, I understand and appreciate the amount of planning and back-end work required to bring a major revamp such as this to fruition. As a user of both Acar and Fuelly, this is on my radar.

Xenius 09-04-2014 04:22 AM

Just saw this news. As a recent convert to android I can't wait for the integration! I've downloaded aCar but will likely hold off really doing a deep dive until it's fully integrated with fuelly.com.

Love the site, been using it since purchasing my current car in August '14. Cheers!

brettl 10-01-2014 11:22 AM

Will the Fuelly API be public? It would be great if other apps (Fuelio?) could log fill ups to Fuelly.

StefanOJ 10-03-2014 02:20 AM

Has the integration been done? How do I import my aCar records into Fuelly?

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