i don't know how to make it more clear. in the 2 main choices, do you simply trust your doctor, the miracle of drugs, and the wisdom of the FDA and FTC or do you question and/or add other means to your strategy?
my father, never bothered to question the current medical model. he trusted his doctor to diagnose and treat him by any means. my mom, uses her doctor's advice along w/ the use of "miracle" foods and vinegar--she loves vinegar. i have a co-worker that believes drugs make to body acidic, leading to cancer and other ailments. he believes apples, of all things, are miracle workers in regard to health. if he replaces apples w/ junk food, perhaps it works for him. i have been injured and misdiagnosed(at least twice) by trusted, certified doctors. i do no think it was malicious, but i was introduced to alternative medicine after one of those diagnosis. so...i'm simply trying to help educate people. |
With the choices you give, your poll may as well read:
1) Ignorant fools who are pawns of the system 2) The enlightened and intelligent who agree 100% with my views 3) Short sighted idiots with no respect for themselves |
--Chauncey Depew, (1834-1928), Attorney for Cornelius Vanderbilt, President of New York Central Railroad, New York Senator. I chose #1, even though I may tend toward #2, because I have seen a number of medical fads come and go (Laetrile, PABA, Christian Science, etc.) I guess medicine is still an "art". |
as knowledge increases, we often question political or capitalist type agendas, yet something so important as health...well, we would just rather take the easy predictable(in theory) road rather than looking at new techniques, some of which aren't really new. they're often some form of ancient eastern medicine reintroduced. if someone were to accept what traditional medicine has to offer w/out questioning it or seeking alternatives, then yes your assessment of #1 is correct. but your #2 is WAY off--it's more like, those willing to accept change and respectfully questioning current practices as well as being proactive and part of the decision making process. BTW, totally independent of my view, i heard an MD on CNN discuss that very thing(#2), and said it would be instrumental in bringing down the cost of healthcare in the US. #3 was my sad attempt at humor and those that are indifferent. |
I will keep twinkies in my diet thank you. :)
The longer I observe, the more it is confirmed that old wisdom is right.
The Bible advises moderation and, son-of-a-gun it works! In an age where a 'study' magically appears whenever it is needed, and when our sources of information have reduced themselves to mere scribes who relay what is provided them, I distrust and verify. (I also know that, while we frantically look eastward for 'traditional cures' China is modernizing their medical system to American standards as fast as they can) |
I trust my doctor more than most but at the same time, he has suggested many times alternative methods of dealing with medical issues. he believes that exercise and a good diet will do everyone good but he also understands the limitations that genetics plays on a person.
I don't go to the doctor for everything as I don't have time mostly. it does seem as the choices are one extreme or the other and one huge part in the middle that encombases pretty much everything else. also, medicine is not an art... it is a practice (and no, I don't know the difference either) |
Most doctors that I have been to suggest exercises, diet modifications, and other such natural remedies before or instead of any drugs or surgery. I've even seen a psychiatrist who never wanted to prescribe anything.
I have a lot of allergy problems. I get about 3-6 sinus infections a year. I had a reconstructive surgery that moved around my jaws (I had a severe underbite). I also can't stand nose sprays.
we have compromised on many things and I have tried many things. the fix for it is another surgery but as he pointed out, suregery is what got me to this state. he said he doesn't recomend surgery unless it gets to be a once a month thing. I have been doing pretty good lately. haven't been to the doctor since april. that is doing pretty good for me. I don't go to doctors for colds as they will threaten me with shots and tell me to take it easy (which I already do) |
Maximilian is right about this poll being skewed to reflect bowtieguy's biases. BTG includes the hated government regulation to steer people away from choosing #1, and to make #2 the only "reasonable" choice.
BTG also doesn't include a "I fully depend on natural remedies, and vow never to set foot in a hospital" choice, which would highlight the folly of depending on alternative medicine and natural remedies that prevailed when our average lifespans were 10-20 years shorter than they've become under modern medicine. |
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