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GasSavers_RoadWarrior 08-14-2009 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 139698)
25-30 billion? LOL. We all know how impossible it is to produce food and keep clean air and such for that many people. Besides those issues, though, the more crowded it gets, the more and worse diseases will go around...and the more crazy people will go on shooting sprees...and the more despots will kill thousands of people at a time...etc.

It can't happen. Maybe another 20%, then all those things combined with laws limiting procreation start knocking total population back.

Food production isn't so much the problem, i heard it worked out that there would still be something like 1 acre of land currently under cultivation or earmarked for agriculture per person, without re-greening deserts, and without high-yield techniques. You can find books with titles such as "How to feed a family on half an acre or less".. and those are relatively low tech methods. At the moment the biofuels people are saying things like "Hey we've got 8.5B acres of cropland we don't need for food, let's grow energy!"

Current problem in feeding people is where they are, the concentration of them in certain areas, and how much money they haven't got.... also ill-informed ideas about growing cash crops or western foodcrops that are totally unsuited to local conditions cause local problems.

Storage, preservation and distribution of food is getting somewhat more efficient, less spoilage and waste.

However, you might be right about diseases and societal problems making the population self limiting at a certain point... but I think the worlds largest cities have been at "critical mass" for such things for years.

theholycow 08-14-2009 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by RoadWarrior (Post 139728)
At the moment the biofuels people are saying things like "Hey we've got 8.5B acres of cropland we don't need for food, let's grow energy!"

Now that you mention it, energy would be a huge issue...the size of it as an issue right now would look like a joke in comparison. "Can you believe that in 2009 when there were less than 7 billion people, they were worried about energy? LOL!"


However, you might be right about diseases and societal problems making the population self limiting at a certain point... but I think the worlds largest cities have been at "critical mass" for such things for years.
They'd get even more crowded, crossing the line if they're borderline now; and then there's plenty of people (like me!) who would go completely insane if they had to live in the city because there was nowhere else to live.

theclencher 08-14-2009 01:10 PM

Let's assume for the moment that the ridiculous scenario of 25B "works". Would you even want to live shoulder-to-shoulder; would there be any room left for any other species; does anyone ever consider quality of life, and most of all what purpose does such an infestation serve?

First two pics are "swimming" pools; third is a beach. Enjoy! :thumbup:




theholycow 08-14-2009 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by theclencher (Post 139739)
does anyone ever consider quality of life, and most of all what purpose does such an infestation serve?

Thank you. Those two points were where I was going next.

GasSavers_roadrunner 08-15-2009 08:11 AM

Soylent Green

Originally Posted by Scott (Post 139685)
I forgot the year, but the book Make Room Make Room, which became the movie Soylent Green estimated 10 billion would be Earth's capacity. Like old Chuck Heston said, "Soylent Green is people, soon they'll be breeding us like cattle, tell every one, Soylent Green is people!".

I saw the movie when it came out in the early 70's and enjoyed it so much.
This year I got the DVD and enjoyed watching it again. It was a bit depressing to watch, but it does make you think about overpopulation and its effect.

shatto 08-15-2009 10:10 AM

This is an amusing conversation, as long as we are careful not to buy into the population control crowd's ideas.
We are the ones ..... they ..... would cull.

Paul Erlich was totally discredited twenty years ago and he is still wrong.

theclencher 08-15-2009 10:22 AM

The amusing part is when alarmists bring up "culling".

If breeders could somehow find it in themselves to stop spawning at 2, the situation would take care of itself.

shatto 08-15-2009 01:18 PM

The problem with 'breeders' is that they all seem to be the 'takers' in society.

Jay2TheRescue 08-15-2009 02:18 PM

All this talk of population control, and nobody has mentioned Logan's Run?

shatto 08-15-2009 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Jay2TheRescue (Post 139823)
All this talk of population control, and nobody has mentioned Logan's Run?

Do you see anything in the Obama Health Plan similar to that movie?

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