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BeeUU 05-11-2007 01:05 PM

Impressive. The real time feedback is obviously very valuable.

Do you have Yoshi's e-mail address? I need to find out if the SuperMID work with old Bosch systems.

diamondlarry 05-11-2007 03:49 PM

I don't have a complete set of numbers for today. I knew I was getting tires and they were going to be one size larger than stock so I wasn't sure how long it would take me to get the SG dialed in. It turns out that I got it right on the first try. With the stock tires, I had to run +2% on speed. I now have it set to +5% and, according to Google Earth, I'm right on the money. I filled up tonight when I got back so I could see how much, if any, difference the new tires made. I got Bridgestone Insignia SE200 195/65-15 and had them mounted on a set of Sport Edition E3(?) 5-spoke rims. The drag coeficient on the new tires is in the .00765 area compared to the ~.01165 of the GY Comfortread's. Anyway, with the fill-up, I set a new personal record on a tank. 367 miles and 5.702 gallons for 64.363 MPG . The SG was only reporting 59.5 with 6.2 gallons used. I'm going to leave my tank correction at 10% for now. This means that my 82 MPG segment last night may have been closer to 85. I had an average speed of 30 mph for the tank.

usedgeo 05-12-2007 06:24 AM

Continuing the slope of the gaslog graph.
Well I made it. Now can I relax? Made the top ten, barely, on both % above epa and mileage. Last fill up was 10 gallons and 615 miles. My average speed was only 29 mph though.

The thing that makes the accomplishments of Basjoos and CO ZX2 as well as some others so much more significant is the speeds at which they accomplish their mileage.

I have been aware of something like HCCI since I was a kid and did take note of Smokey Yunick's "hot air engine." I thought high mileage was the result of engine tricks. It certainly takes an efficient engine but this site has forced the importance of aerodynamics into my active awareness.

Imagine if GM would offer a Diesel TDI version in the body of the EV1. I hope the Volt happens but my hopes are tempered with observations of the past.


MnFocus 05-14-2007 12:27 PM

This Rocks! Did my normal commute and fill today - windy (20-25 mph ) and 90* . 75.8 total miles 15 city/60.8 hwy with the A/C on for 39 miles . Had to do a double take at the pump 1.772 gallons !! 42.77 mpg Woot Woot !! Now to work on keeping that up through each tank and I can be pretty durned happy .

ETA: hwy was using the cruise at 60 mph .

psyshack 05-14-2007 03:36 PM

Ave. 50mpg for the day in the Civic.

tulsa_97sr5 05-14-2007 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG (Post 50778)
Hey, that's nearly 18% improvement over 17.5 mpg. Nothing to sneeze at. Nice work.

Thanks for the support, I actually found this site via yours, while researching EV's.

MnFocus 05-14-2007 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by psyshack (Post 51297)
Ave. 50mpg for the day in the Civic.

That news vid is my driving force ...imitation being the sincerest form of flattery and all ;) If I could just force myself to shut the key off and coast I might be right there .

basjoos 05-15-2007 04:01 PM

74.2mpg (437.5miles, 5.9gal) mostly DWL at or above the speed limit. According to the SuperMID, the FE on my car is flat from 40 to 65mph, drops off slightly as I get up to 70mph, but is considerably less at lower speeds and in any of the lower gears.

diamondlarry 05-15-2007 04:10 PM

Temps started at 63F this morning and got as high as 87F then dropped back to 63F after the cold front and the heavy storms associated with it.
1) 59.7-5.8
2) 58.0-9.6
3) 61.3-9.6
4) 58.5-6.3
5) 73.4-5.5
6) 76.7-5.6
7) 82.3-4.8
8) 65.4-4.8
9) 71.4-8.4
10) 63.6-4.8
Average fot today: 64.7

usedgeo 05-15-2007 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by diamondlarry (Post 51465)
Average fot today: 64.7

Darn it Larry. If youkeep getting better I will never catch you. You have been doing this stuff for years though :) . I hit mostly green lights this morning and made 61 mph to work against some wind and it looked like I was going to beat 80 on the way home with a tailwind until I diverted to look at a trike. I got caught in some construction traffic and lost a lot of momentum. Still made 65 on the trip home and the tank is at 63 :D .


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