Those are still my second favorite OEM Honda wheel and they look good on that car, SH. Nice job fitting them with the Integra brakes.
Thanks. I like them because I think that at a glance they could be mistaken for the original VX rims.
My personal favorite OEM rims are the "LS Mesh" and the 92, 93 GSR rims. But not for a Civic... I might be selling this car soon. |
Wouldn't mind buying it if you weren't so far away.
My faves are the HFP first generation eight spoke Fit rims. |
I overhauled the Cause For Alarm site into a "version 7". I collected all of my DIY's under one, new navigation scheme. I still have some stuff floating around that I'll have to convert to the version 6+ format. Like the EF Civic stuff. I'm also adding new content. I finished a Power Mirror Swap and I'm working on an OEM Cruise Control swap as I write this.
I don't know if I'll change the color and border scheme. So it may look very similar to Cause For Alarm version6.EG. But there were some sweeping background changes. It's enough to warrant a new "version" IMO. The last one came together in 2005. |
Well the EMS, being a first generation box and having been through several cars, finally got so bad that it made the car very difficult to drive. Something on the board went bad and several sensors were giving wildly fluctuating readings. This was triggering all kinds of fuel and ignition corrections. I got $50 for the bad box with full disclosure to the buyer.
Next I installed a P28 and wired the VTEC solenoids so that it will always be in 16 valve mode and VTEC would be controlled by the ECU. Then I wired the ECU so that it wont throw a code if you unplug the solenoids, allowing you to run in 12 mode. But I sold the car to some guy that doesn't know Honda VTEC from a VTECH cordless phone. Before I sold it I had to remove the AEM UEGO as well. Although I had switched it ot 0-1V output for the P28 ECU, it was causing the P28 to pull fuel and run extremely lean. So something is wrong with the emulator in the UEGO even though it otherwise works fine. Another point for AEM products. W/out the EMS or UEGO I really lost interest in the car. Also, my wife is getting similar mileage with her stock 01 Civic EX, and that car has all the power amenities as well as a quieter, more comfortable cabin. I could have got more mpg with further tuning but it really was nothing more than a money pit. The loud exhaust and hard suspension wore on my nerves, and my 92 Integra reminded me of how little leg room the Civic has compared to it's larger cousin. I bought myself a 1997 GSR hatchback. The drive home netted 34 mpg!! That's a pretty good sign considering it could use some maintenance. For long trips we'll be taking my wife's car which gets 38 mpg on the highway. And I will be keeping the GSR virtually stock with only sound and alarm modifications. |
/close thread |
Thanks for the thread, it was quite a ride.
Aww, just found this and you sold it!
Re: Realize the full Performance/Economy Potential of a Honda Civic VX
Possible to open this thread to edits so I can fix the images?
Love this thread. Im trying to do something similar with my vx. Im a diesel junkie and dont know a lot about Hondas but im also a gearhead so if it runs I'll figure it out. Your post have been a big help and inspiration. I posted some of my trials and tribulations in the repair/trouble shooting section under the thread UNpimping my Civic VX.
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