Thanks, basjoos for the serial# info. Appreciate it. Is it wintertime in NC?
If by "wintertime", you mean the presence of frost, yes we have had a lot of below freezing nights in Nov and Dec. If by the presence of snow, I haven't had any here yet this winter in SC, but the Asheville, NC area where I work had a number of under 2" deep snowfalls. But lately, the temps have been in the 60's days, 40's nights, the frogs are singing up a storm in the ponds around the house and I am leaving the windows open at night. Feels like April.
You are gettin' after it with the gas mileage. Good job. Read about your encounter with the fuzz. Happy he didn't haul you away. Now he will have something to tell his grandkids. I've wondered where you park your car when you're in town and at work. Even with the mild mods that I have, when I go to the grocery store or Home Depot, sometimes there are people standing around the car looking and talking. I can imagine your plight. |
Have you ever considered taking the plunge and getting a VX? Or perhaps just the drivetrain? I wonder if the CX engine would perform better with all the aero mods because of reduced load...Hmm.
U should!
Dude start one, really. since I'm new to this and live in Redneck land I HAVE to hear what everyone else goes thru in and around their hometown. So far mine just looks like I live in a ditch with no future. just wait and see if I start areo modding the thing out? |
I have never gone frog hunting, but have no problems with eating frogs (as long as it isn't the poisonous pickerel frog). Since my car is my daily driver, I park it wherever I need to go and have had people come up and ask me about it ("Is it an electric car?", "Is it a hybrid?", etc). But I do try to position it in the parking lot where it is less likely for someone to back into the boattail. SVOboy At various times I have considered getting a VX, but never got around to it since I am getting such good mileage out of this one and stock VX's are hard to find. When the engine and/or transmission wear out on my CX, I'll consider replacing them with a VX ICE and tranny. With the aero mods installed, the CX engine would perform the same at slow speed and would perform better at higher speeds than the vehicle with stock aero. Compared with the original CX motor, the DX motor currently installed has slightly less torque at low RPM's and much more power at high RPM's. Provided I keep the RPM's below 3000, there was no change in mileage as a result of the engine swap. So I have more available power for those occasional times when I need it combined with no drop in overall FE. |
After the discussion with the nice cop, I relocated my licence plate to a location in the dirty air just behind my muffler where it is readable from behind, but should do minimal additional damage to my car's aerodynamics. |
I finally finished installing a complete set of taillights (lights, brakes, direction) in the tip of the boattail. |
why not put your license plate up in the boat tail tip as well?
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