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JanGeo 05-12-2006 08:56 AM


if you decide to go ahead with fixing your geo, and you want me to take measurements on the blue car that will help, let me know.
The distance from the center of the A-Arm pivot pins measured in front and back may work for starters - problem is that the motor gets in the way. I don't know if it will be easy to measure that exactly, maybe a right triangle on a 2x4 between the left and right sides would be possible. Will have to wait for the week of rain to stop here before getting under the front end and see how it is. Then probably the angle of the wheels at the left and right stops may tell something also. Any ideas appreciated . . . Thanks!

JanGeo 05-12-2006 06:44 PM

Looking good! I might have fiberglassed it instead of brazing it but a metal floor is preferred in a car.

Bad news is that there has been a lot of rust found on new xB's all over the country in the wetter climates including mine. The door seam at the top rear corner under the weather stripping gets rusty and one owner pulled up the floor carpeting and found bare metal at a rib rusting badly.

GasSavers_DaX 05-18-2006 09:19 AM

Any word on the inspection?

Spiders hatching from the passenger door. I believe Tammara would have jumped into oncoming traffic had that happend while she was sitting in that seat when they hatched.

Matt Timion 05-18-2006 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by DaX
Spiders hatching from the passenger door. I believe Tammara would have jumped into oncoming traffic had that happend while she was sitting in that seat when they hatched.

LOL, I have a feeling Jenny would probably scream and then jump into the back seat.

We just had a patch of spiders hatch on our shed the other day, which I'm now using as the main storage for car parts. Let's just say that a homemade torch with a lighter and an aerosol can can easily kill baby spiders :)

SVOboy 05-18-2006 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG

no, not really one by one. you can't see in the pic, but they're on a very fine web "mat" of their own making. i just grabbed a corner and the whole lot of them peeled off to be carried away.

Ben says yay, :)

Good luck on the project though. I feel so dirty worrying about my own project when you're totally owning me.

JanGeo 05-18-2006 06:35 PM

Hey the editing of the word fibergl a s s is pretty funny.

Your loose rack should be adjustable - there should be a set screw and lock nut on the end of the steering shaft into the rack. My Geo is still tight and was very tight when new.

krousdb 05-19-2006 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by MetroMPG
the forkenswift passed inspection! :D:D:D


i think that is insanely funny, considering the net cost both cars is currently $89.85 (and dropping - sold a radiator today).

Wooot! Congrats on the forkenswift!

SVOboy 05-19-2006 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by krousdb
Wooot! Congrats on the forkenswift!

Yeah, for serious. I'm so jealous, I h8 this whole gasoline thing.

MetroMPG 05-19-2006 03:20 PM

thanks! i was getting a bit tired of working on it, so i'm looking forward to taking a break this weekend.

MetroMPG 05-22-2006 08:57 AM

one of the things the cahttps://images6.theimagehosting.com/m...d-branding.jpg

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