haha when was the last time you accualy saw a semi going the speed limit? comon...when your driving a 20 ton truck going 70mph and come up to a car going way less and have to slam on your brakes its prolly no fun trying to stop such a beast. but i have been thinking about people who are going to extremes to save a few cents. which alot of stuff they do is lillegal: not stoping to turn right on red (almost hit a dumb lady today because she did this) taking sharp curves at excessive speed so they dont have to touch the brakes (most likely cross the double yellow to do so and/or go whipping around a blind cornner) going under the minimum posted speed limit (tickets can and will be issued for this) not using headlights or turnsignals at appropriate times(failure to signal)(dumb people who drive in fog/rain/sleet/snow/or dusk without thier lights on. if someone pulls out in front of you and you dont have your lights on in adverse weather conditions the person who didnt have thier lights on will get a big ticket and the person who pulled out will get a failure to yeild ticket, which is nothing) i say if these people really want to save gas why dont they just buy a cheap dirtbike, make it street legal. and go get 70+ mpg! |
half those things you mentioned are done by drivers that aren't driving for better mileage.
I say if you in such a hurry, then next time leave a few minutes sooner. why speed just to save a minute or 2??? |
You know, come to think of it I've never seen a 'minimum' speed limit on Saskatchewan roads. Perhaps we're all just used to the combines and tractors taking up both the shoulder & right lane doing 25mph.
As for drivers that have to 'slam' on their brakes because I was doing 1/2 the speed they were going, it's their fault for not looking for real or potential hazards on the roadway. If a wild animal came scampering across the road and I hit it, I would still have to pay my $700 deductible to get my car fixed (or most likely written off) because I wasn't paying attention to potential hazards. |
Yea I think they need to change the signs to read max speed. It appears that the word Limit gets lost in the translation and that the limit is the minimum speed that one should travel on that segment of road. |
Do what I do to those kinds of idiots....if you have a friend in the same general area, call them over and box in the idiotic driver between a guardrail/wall and your two cars. It pisses them off to no end to have to actually go the speed LIMIT for a few miles until we let them out of the "trap".
Of course, this doesn't happen often because I rarely have friends driving the same roads as me, but I'd say we've probably done it a few times over the pas few years. It's always good for a laugh. |
Jonathan_ED3 -
CarloSW2 |
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